Monday, February 19, 2007

Referral upate

Um, so... uh, I don't really know where to start. I'm still kinda numb. Literally (got a numbing shot-- yes, shot in the top of my foot-- can you say OW?!?!)...

So, here is what I know. I have neuropathy in my feet-- not one, but both. Right one is worse-- have a huge knot on the bottom of my foot and a second neuropathy starting. I also have nerve damage in my left foot, but have not yet developed a neuropathy there.

I also have tarsal tunnel syndrome in both feet (and most likely carpal tunnel in both hands).

In relation to all of that, I also have secondary Raynaud's (which is syndrome, not disease). This affects the circulation in my feet.

I am supposed to have an MRI done on the worse of my two feet this week-- IF my insurance will cover it. If not, we're going to try to figure it out somehow without it I guess. They just want to get a view of the neuropathy.

The podiatrist wrote an order for physical therapy and wants me to have some sort of inserts made for my shoes (they will do this). She gave me the numbing shot to determine how much damage there is. I am supposed to make note of when the feeling comes back. That was the most awful shot I have ever felt-- truly awful. In the top of my foot and into the nerve. Awful! She also prescribed something for my nerves and an anti-inflammatory.

I am just stunned. Truly. And all of this without any of the answers from the other cultures yet. How old am I again? I feel like I'm about 100.

Say a prayer for me if you read this. I am freaked out about what all of it means. I know there are things much worse-- and I shouldn't assume the worst-- I know I have to do what I have to do, and just move on, but I'm just really freaked right now, not knowing the underlying cause of any of it...

Thank you,


Shirley said...

GIANT HUGS and P&PT heading your way....

R. Lynn Baker said...

Thanks so much, Shirley.


Nathalie Kalbach said...

Sending good vibes over the pond!- I'm thinking of you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, Just wanted to say I'm praying for you now....not only for healing, but for peace, strength and serenity through the process. {{{HUGS}}}}


Anonymous said...

Lots of happy thoughts and prayers coming your way, Lynn. Hopefully the MRI will be covered and then they'll know exactly what they are dealing with.