Friday, May 4, 2007

And now for something lighter... Music Finds (and other stuff, too)

OK-- I owe a music finds and I'm going to throw in a few funnies and just stuff I like. We need to lighten the air in here after my "deep thoughts" confessional post from yesterday... OK, so, here are some things to make you laugh and/or smile...

This video cracks me up-- it's a "Preschool President" campaign spot... too funny!

And, here are some "upbeat" music finds this week... Check out:

The Hush Sound listen to all of them-- they're different.

A comedy ska band...
Reel Big Fish They didn't pass my "language censors" or I would have put up more-- specifically, their Don't Start a Band video... funny!

And... gotta admit, I loved what Blake did on Idol this week... yep, I watch it...

If you watch Idol and want to have a laugh, check this out, too:

Happy Friday,