Thursday, June 14, 2007

Music Finds... Ichthus

In honor of what Andrew is up to this week...

Ichthus 2007 Festival Promo Video

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This video is mostly made for promotional purposes and so it's not all on there. There is an incredible worship service on Saturday evening, there are lots of speakers, too. What the video shows is mostly the popular/edgier bands, but there is seriously something there for everyone... if you have the opportunity to go, you should! The music is great, the worship is great and there are people there of all ages, cultures, denominations-- it really is an amazing experience!

You can check out the schedule of events here. Andrew manages the Edge Stage. Two Empty Chairs (one of the bands I posted in music finds previously) will be on Andrew's stage on Saturday at 12:05 pm... look for them on the schedule. :)
