Thursday, July 12, 2007

music finds: what's wrong with the world today?

OK-- this one is not exactly a P.C. song, but I just found it and love Flight of the Conchords (their stand up is WAY funnier than their show), so I had to post it on music finds day.

It's been one of those weeks where you just scratch your head and wonder what is wrong with people today and why things happen the way they do, and why people can be so inhumane, and all news is bad, etc, etc-- you get the point... anyway, this song made me remember that you just need to laugh sometimes... (disclaimer: the talking at the end goes a bit overboard, but the song is a hoot).

...and beyond that song, and maybe even slightly because of it, I also was reminded that this world is not my home... and that God is so much bigger and so much better. And, it's good to laugh while we're here.

In related (and cool) music news, Andrew helped hook up Tree63 to come to our church sometime this fall. I'm tellin' ya... the boy doesn't even know what he's doing when he does it-- I kept telling him he had no idea how big a deal this was-- LOL-- and then, I realized that they sing Thomas' all time favorite song, so it's a personally a super big deal. ;)

Here they are, and here's Thomas' favorite song:

And... I'm on the hunt for more... all for now. :)
