Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I have been reading and reading and reading, and digging and digging and digging for a week since my FMS diagnosis. First off, that is just how I handle stuff- I want to understand things... but, also, I just have not been able to "settle" into this diagnosis. Mostly, I think because I am still having this crazy twitching and I do not like taking the neurontin-- it just seems to be masking things under this stooper it puts me in. Then, I have been pondering the low thyroid thing and posted on a FMS board about all of my symptoms-- someone posted that I should really look into the thyroid connection, and since I had already been thinking about that, it just spurred me on more...

Then, I found this...

Lightbulb!!! What if my FMS and twitches and everything is from my low thyroid level? I am taking a natural thyroid "booster" right now, but it's not an actual thyroid "supplement" and it doesn't seem to be helping... SO, I jumped on the phone and called my integrative dr. that put me on the booster (and found the low T3 count) and I have an appointment at 9 on Monday! WOW-- if this turns out to be what's been going on... this might be the answer to everything.