Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Six on 7.24.08

This was our annual "first thing in the morning" birthday picture.

I finally got the pictures off the camera from Tyler's birthday. We had a bug party-- we were actually going to have a "bug man" come, but it didn't work out, so we did it ourselves...

We had a bug hunt (plastic bugs-- everyone got a plastic bug box with net and tweezers)...

We wrapped each other up like butterflies in cocoons...

We had cake-- okay, cupcakes-- and they were homemade, Pokemon cupcakes, not quite fitting of the bug theme, but that was what he wanted. :)

And, he gots lots of super cool presents-- those were all "action shots" and pretty blurry, LOL.

So, my baby is six and going to kindergarten in something like 10 days... and this is him, bugs and Pokemon. :) We love him.