Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm changing the blog again... even working on a new header... gasp! I know, I have had that header the entire life of this blog, but I got inspired to make a new one yesterday while I was making a header for the new...

da-da-da-da... CrossGig

Please click that link up there! :)

This is the project Andrew has been working so hard on that I have been hinting around about all this time... They are launching with the blog and leading into a website that is going to be amazing for independent Christian bands! It is going to be a huge resource for independent bands and venues-- we are super excited about it! Check the CrossGig blog for more information and updates about the upcoming site!

As for my header... I'm excited for the change. I think it's symbolic of how I feel right now. It's an exciting time and such a huge time of blessing for me. I went to the gym this morning-- another shock, I know... I walked the track alone and decided that is a good time to listen to God. I struggle with understanding all of these blessings He continues to give me. I am so not worthy. I am continually amazed at the power of Grace.

Anyway, I am rambling, LOL. Gonna get some work done and I'll get my new header up soon, too.

Blessings and grace,