We made it to the John Mayer concert-- I picked up some New Balance shoes with suede-like lining and some medi-ped socks... both were a huge help, but not actually for standing during the concert or the walk out. I am still reeealllllllyyyyyy paying for that. We were surrounded by screaming girls-- wow, am I old--gasp! But if not for the painful feet and squealing girls, a very good concert. Here's a pic-- dark and from row T, but you get the idea. ;)
We'll be going to see Audio Adrenaline and Mercy Me in April (for Andrew's job)... front row, center for that one, so I'm sure the pics will be much better. REALLY hoping to have this foot stuff better before that, too-- and maybe a few less screaming girls... in light of the genre.
Another busy day today and I'm actually looking forward to sleeping tonight-- lol-- another way you can tell I'm old. I found a loooonnnnngggg gray hair in my head this morning, too-- so I guess why fight it; huh?
I'm sure I have other things to talk about, but will save them for tomorrow... off to chill for a bit before supper.
16 years ago
You're quite the Ba-Hottie, and I think you've got a cute Ba-Hootie!
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