if this is me: <---that's a guinea pig, ya'll
if this is me:
Was still waiting for a call about my tests and so I called the I.D. dr. I went to just to make sure she was sending notes and results to my GP... after lots more confusion, I was told that some of my test results were actually in, but not all of them and the chick on the phone couldn't tell me for certain which were which... ACK! I am so completely worn out with this! And the I.D. dr. suggests that I go to a rheumatologist (which I agree with) AND also get a 2nd opinion on the neuropathy from an orthopedic specialist as well! ACK again!
Meanwhile... I have developed a lump in the vein in my leg behind my knee. Don't know if it is a varicose vein OR a clot... so... off to the dr. I go again this evening. I am TRULY TRULY tired of this! I want to feel normal... I want to take walks... I want to have energy to do ALL my housework... I don't really even care about eating sugar anymore... but, all those other little things... the things that are life... I just want them back.
OK... whine over... oiy!
16 years ago
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