Busy first day of summer break... we've been running around searching for the pool-- we're looking for a reasonable price and a cover... hard to find the perfect pool, ya know...
Anyway, I'm late with this for that, so on to the music finds for this week.
I seriously do think I may have mentioned them before, and even if I didn't chances are, you've heard of them (they were on Ellen today), but I am discovering how much I really like Augustana. So-- even if I did mention them before, they deserve another mention and a video. :)
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Will Dailey is cool, too. :)
Oh-- and how cool is Brett Dennen's sound? I checked him out before, but for some reason, I just decided I like him--lol-- go figure.
K... off to continue the search for the poolio. :)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
music finds: may 31st
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
are you ready for the summer?
Are you ready for the good times?
This kid is... (almost every outdoor picture I have of the kid, his eyes are closed-- sheesh! lol)
Today was Thomas' last day of 2nd grade. I am so stinking proud of him! He LOVES school and has done such a good job this year! His reading and writing has improved greatly since the beginning and he got a nearly perfect report card. He also got a perfect attendance award and the "Homework All-star" award. He is so funny-- he had 3 homework passes he could have used and never did-- he didn't want to. He told me he likes homework... I am certain that will change--lol.
He is going to miss school (although right now he says he won't), so I am already busy planning the summer. We're going to get a pool, and he has cubscout daycamp, and we're looking at either swimming or guitar through the Y-- both are reasonable and he needs something during the summer. He'll also be going on a weekend scouting trip... and we're going to do chapter books and the library, park, etc. I want him to have an awesome summer-- he has worked so hard!
Next stop... birthday party. We ordered his cake today-- he wanted Shrek... totally happy with that-- anything green will work. :)
I also got all the info about preschool for Tyler today... he already has a big school list-- school shopping for 2 in the Fall! He is super excited to be getting his own backpack-- I am pretty excited, too. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
You ever get that way? I guess that is where I am... nothing that I can put into words or want to, or even need to... just thoughtful. It's nerves/anticipation/anxiety/whatever I guess.
Thomas' last day of school is tomorrow-- they have an awards ceremony and then I'll probably sign him out early. I'm looking forward to the summer. You remember "the summer of George" (Seinfeld--lol)-- well, I am desperately hoping to make this the summer of "well". The next couple of weeks will begin the process and I am so ready to have them over with! Positive thinking says, "in two weeks, all the anxiety will all be over." I hate the fear of the unknown more than anything, but I have to admit, God has been teaching me some amazing things through the unknown... gotta hold onto that even when things are better-- that is the trick!
Thomas also turns 8 next week-- just unreal to me! It is so hard to believe-- to accept-- he is such a young man already-- kills me-- really kills me!
For something funny... I found this little commercial below-- made me laugh out loud, so just thought I'd share it. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, May 25, 2007
how cool is this? (and other ramblings)
look here
OK, that is enough to get me scrapping again! WOW!! That is right up my alley... going to have to get one... I don't think I have said that in a long time--lol. Their other products are cool, too. I've been thinking for months about decorating with photographs. Gotta get clickin' the camera...
Oh, never did post these...
This was the scrapbooking I did a few weeks ago for my friend, Shirley's online shower. It was a surprise, so I was keeping quiet... It was the first time I had scrapped in a long while... and it was fun to make something for someone else. I do miss that. The album was 6x6 and turned out beautifully! You can see the whole thing here.
I'm trying these days to motivate wellness. I've got these appointments coming up-- and the root canal (not looking forward to that)-- but I'm trying to think positively. Not a bad thing to do anyway, but I'm really hoping there is finally a light at the end of this very long tunnel I've been crawling through.
So, in light of all that, I'm trying to wake up my creative side again. Listening to more music-- I know it seems like I listen to a lot, but I never seem to listen to an entire CD. I find good music and then there's no time to listen. It's too loud in the car to have a conversation with the kids, and I want to talk to them-- I'm not "alone" in the car a lot; can you tell? lol MY CD player on my computer is longer with us, so I moved one to the desk today. At least I can listen while I'm on here. :)
Music has healing properties-- really does-- as does scrapbooking. Don't do either enough these days. Why doesn't someone open a creative therapy center? What a fantastic place that would be!!! Whoa-- just did a quick search! Check this out: http://www.creativeartstherapies.org/... OK, that might be a good masters degree for me to pursue-- how cool is that?!
OK-- housework calls... as does Ty.
Have a good holiday weekend,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:19 AM 2 comments
Labels: scrapbooking / creativity
Thursday, May 24, 2007
music finds
It's Thursday... yep, music finds day.
Been doing some digging around to help out with a project, so I found a few cool things this week. :)
Tenth Avenue North is a great Christian unsigned band I stumbled across. Really like their sound and lyrics.
Another one is Moi They sound so familiar, I wouldn't be surprised if I already wrote about them--lol. They remind me a little of the softer side of DC Talk a few years ago.
Then... this one... not a Christian label band, but made of two former members of one from a few years ago (Plus One)... Andrew and I both are in love with this band's sound. Castledoor is sort of a cross between The Beatles and Sufjan Stevens... a really, really cool sound and as of yet, unsigned... very cool band-- don't think they will be "unsigned" for much longer.
And, just for fun...
WOW-- if you like soul-- you need to go check out Ryan Shaw-- he is awesome!
Also very cool sound: Rocco DeLuca -- a bit blues/Dave Matthews... cool.
And, for a visual-- LOVE this guy, Joshua Radin-- seriously, have I written about him? I'm having deja vu today--lol. What a beautiful song...
Closer lyrics
K... enough for now... gotta go.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
my days are all mixed up...
Election day threw me. It's Wednesday; right? Oiy-- and I know it's going to get worse when school's out (which I think is down to 4 days and counting, minus the holiday). I need a big calendar above my desk.
So, we went to a restaurant for dinner last night that used to be a train depot... very cool actually. It was fun to do something out of the ordinary and even though we were a day late on our anniversary dinner, it felt like an actual date. We even had good conversation--lol. We need to do that more... we really do.
It is HOT here today. We need rain badly. Gotta say that my sinuses don't need the mold, but the pollen is bad with the dryness. And, my teeth hurt-- they've got me a little nervous. If I knew for sure that it was just allergies, I'd not give it a thought, but I haven't had a good track record here lately ya know...
I've already got lots of good stuff for music finds tomorrow, so check back. :)
OH yeah-- one more thing... this Dt. Mt. Dew fanatic has successfully quit her vice--lol. No caffeine going down my throat these days-- and boy, am I sleepy!!! BUT, I know it's a good / healthy thing. I found some Dt. Ocean Spray (with splenda)-- REALLY good cold, and I'm doing Dt. Rite (try the tangerine if you haven't already-- it's good for something different). If this Dt. Mt. Dew addict can do it, you can, too. :)
Happy Wednesday!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I realize it's not Thursday...
AKA music finds day... but, where have I been? I just discovered Zero 7. How cool are they? I actually found the video/song, In the Waiting Line (old-- from 2003) first and then checked out their website realizing how cool they are. Yep, I want a CD now...lol.
So, Andrew and I cooked out last night-- on our anniversary-- and we watched Dancing with the Stars together until he fell asleep half the way through and had to go walking--lol. Tonight, we're going out... somewhere... for a late date. My MIL is watching the boys for a while. A quiet dinner I don't have to cook sounds fine to me. :)
On other subjects, anyone know about any good paying "article" gigs out there? I'm thinking I need to plant my writing skills somewhere... nothing big and hairy, just something to help out. I'm afraid if I don't plug them in somewhere I may force myself to write another book... and I'm trying really hard to keep myself in check as far as "over-working" goes. ;) I really, really, really want to write... but I need to keep it within the parameters of sanity, KWIM? ;)
OK-- off here now... going to get ready.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, May 21, 2007
Happy "Baker's Dozen" Anniversary, darling...
Some are great, some not so much, but all 13 are from the heart.
I love you,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Music finds, etc.
Getting back to stuff...
This is not my typical type of music, but I stumbled across this band, and really like their lyrics a lot... kinda like the "country" vibe, too. :)
33 Miles
And... as long as we're in the "genre", check out:
Dave Pettigrew
I also stumbled on:
David Ramirez Band
Shelly Moore Band (love their sound!!)
In un-music related stuff... have you tried this? I saw this weeks ago, but just got around to doing it...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
my week
Has it really been a week since my last post?
Long story short... my sinus infection turned into a small lower sinus abscess followed by a HUGE abscess in a tooth. Went to the ER out of my head with pain, had 2 CT scans, 2 x-rays, and went to the dentist finally this morning. After I finish my antibiotic, I'll be having a root canal spread over 2 more visits-- the first of which will be on Thomas' birthday and 3 days before my rheumatologist appt. When it rains... But you know, I know God hears all prayers and totally carried me through this one! Praise God! Now, just gotta get my head to stop hurting-- had one heck of a migraine this afternoon-- then get "un-dizzy" and back on my feet... God's got my back, my head, my teeth and everything else though!
In other tooth news...
Thomas did an awesomely brave thing on Mother's Day! He has had a loose tooth forever now that he would not let us pull. We talked him into tying a string to it and to my mom's Bible at her house on Mother's Day. He then dropped the Bible to the floor and out it flew! I think he liked the idea of God pulling it. :) What a story for his own kids!! He's awesome!! The tooth fairy brought $2 for his braveness and we bought him a gameboy game. He just rocks!
Everyone be well!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Trading in the funk for Funkytown...
Before Shrek 2, there was this...
Ah-- that brings back memories... {am I really that old?!?!} Don't know why I'm being so nostalgic... maybe it's an escape from the funk I've been in... or it could be a strange thing that happened at the end of last week...
I have been going to a local MOPS group and I am a discussion leader for one of the groups. I realized last week that I went to elementary school with someone who is in my group-- and this was not in the town we both now live in... funny! We both remembered a lot of the same people and it was fun to think back on simpler things... it's cool how life can take us far, but God keeps us close to where we begin... odd but kind of comforting somehow at the same time.
Being able to remember so much made me wonder how my own kids will look back on things. Thomas is about the age now that I was back then-- when I knew this girl... I hope his memories are good ones-- I liked looking back on those memories. Looking back also makes us think forward... sometimes, it's hard to see where God has us aimed, but it is evident that He has us headed somewhere when we look back at the places from where we came.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, May 7, 2007
Whoa! I'm writing...
... an article-- the first in a couple of months-- I've been on a little health hiatus... and I'm not having writer's block--lol. Go figure! Once I got going, it started flowing. Maybe that's a good sign... when it gets all wrapped up, I'll let you know where to look for it. :)
Keeping this brief for now, trying to save up my words--lol-- but just wondered if anybody out there is on a store design team (either brick & mortar or online) and has a good experience they'd like to share for my article? A little blurb about your store's design team might even fit in nicely if you have anything to share. :) Feel free to email me (rlynnbakerdz@gmail.com) if you do!
Got some cool things to write about from this weekend, but will save them for when I have more time... hopefully a bit later today.
Have a great day!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Designer stuff
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Happy Derby Day / National Scrapbook Day!
Not going to be able to do either today... the derby's running during church... but, you can't live in the bluegrass state and not be sentimental about the run for the roses, or for the matter Barbaro, so I thought it would be nice to add this little bit in honor... The queen is also in the state for the derby... from what I hear, she'll be drinking tea, but I can't imagine she won't also be trying out one of these... the traditional mint julep. Definitely an acquired taste. ;) You at least have to own a julep cup even if you never use it. The traditional cup is actually a small silver cup, often engraved-- not the clear glass one shown here.
For those of you who are getting to scrap today, make some pages for me. :) If you watch the derby, root for Curlin
... he resided nearby for a brief time. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, May 4, 2007
And now for something lighter... Music Finds (and other stuff, too)
OK-- I owe a music finds and I'm going to throw in a few funnies and just stuff I like. We need to lighten the air in here after my "deep thoughts" confessional post from yesterday... OK, so, here are some things to make you laugh and/or smile...
This video cracks me up-- it's a "Preschool President" campaign spot... too funny!
And, here are some "upbeat" music finds this week... Check out:
The Hush Sound listen to all of them-- they're different.
A comedy ska band...
Reel Big Fish They didn't pass my "language censors" or I would have put up more-- specifically, their Don't Start a Band video... funny!
And... gotta admit, I loved what Blake did on Idol this week... yep, I watch it...
If you watch Idol and want to have a laugh, check this out, too:
Happy Friday,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Re-defining glamor Re: the video from yesterday [Warning: LONG!!!!!!!!]
So, I said I would explain my video choice from yesterday...
I got to "go out" with Andrew last night-- we went to dinner and Wal-Mart. LOL-- I know... how exciting! But it did me some good to sit at a table with my husband and not have to cut food, wipe mouths or talk about using manners... and it was good to push a cart without having to maneuver it with a kid hanging on to the end of it and forgetting everything I came for in the midst of breaking up arguments. I know that there are TONS of moms who understand that very well, and I am sure there are also tons of moms who never go out without the kids EVER. So... for me... I thought about the video before we went out yesterday-- a video from when I was basically a kid, and it made me think about a lot things.
I used to dream (like the maid in the video) about "glamorous" dates with glamorous clothes, glamorous shoes, dancing... When we were kids, my cousin and I used to pretend that we were grown and living in New York in an apartment together, getting ready for our dates to pick us up. We'd fix our hair and pretend to put on make-up and perfume... we'd talk to our dates on pretend phones about the date (this was waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy before cell phones or we would have done that, too I am sure), and we even had an elevator that came up into our pretend loft apartment. We didn't see each other a lot back then-- we lived pretty far apart, but that was the last thing I remember "playing" with her-- we were getting older and outgrew that "pretend stuff" soon after.
Anyway... yes, that all connects with now... we are in such a hurry to grow up when we are young... along the way, we lose that sense of pretend, we grow older, we have responsibilities, we throw ourselves into our work, we have kids, everything becomes "management" oriented. For me, that is where everything has existed for a long time. There is no time for imagination; honestly, right now, no energy for dreams-- and glamor-- forget about it.
Fast forward past those years of playing and dreaming-- in college, there was still time for "glamor"-- "I" was still a priority to myself. I took care of myself, cared about how I looked-- wouldn't dare go anywhere without make-up and my hair fixed. I had places to go, things to do-- to dream about. When we got married, I felt the best about myself as I ever had or would since. We were married five years before Thomas was born and in that time, I graduated college, became a teacher-- and still cared about how I looked, what I wore, how my hair looked... the pounds stayed on a while after he was born, but I was also still teaching, began a diet, exercised, lost 45 pounds and re-discovered an interest in clothes... the idea of glamorous dates changed to Saturday meals out with the baby-- which was perfectly fine with me. He was so cute and happy and perfect-- we loved being with him and couldn't imagine going anywhere without him. Pretty soon, it started getting harder and harder to leave him with a sitter while I went off to teach and I was at a cross-roads with the requirements to further my education for my certification as a teacher. There was no way we could afford for me to work on my masters and have Thomas with a sitter all day and night-- not to mention, we couldn't stand that thought. So, through a series of events, I ended up staying home. I thought I would love it-- I loved my child more than life and loved the idea of being at home with him. But-- and warning-- brutal honesty begins here-- I didn't *love* it... I found myself mourning for "Mrs. Baker"-- the other half of me that had been busy and important outside of my house-- and the person that had the ability to still seek "glamor"-- however conservative a version it might have been. I was confused by that, but thought that it would be something that would just pass given enough time.
Fast forward a little more-- I began writing, had Tyler, the scrapbook store opened, I wrote a book, did professional development for the school system, began doing some design work for magazines, did some TV shows, began some websites and an online magazine with other designers... threw myself into it all. And, yes, there might have been a few moments of conservative glamor in there, too-- gasp-- even travel-- lol... but, notice, that I said we had Tyler right in the beginning of all of that, too. The whole time I was pregnant with him, I was super depressed. I still don't know for sure if it was hormonal or because I was still struggling with losing "Mrs. Baker" or a combination of the two or what... but, it didn't get much better after he was born. He was NOT a happy baby. He was cranky with digestion problems for a long time and didn't sleep well. His whole personality was the complete opposite of what Thomas' had been and I just didn't know how to deal with that. There were lots of things going on all at the same time, and there really wasn't much time to stop and think about it-- so I think I buried the emotional stuff under being busy... and just "managed".
In the middle of all this, I got super sick over the course of months-- throat infection after throat infection, yeast infections, strange health stuff that went unexplained and medicated... and I kept on with the book and with everything. Fast forward through all of that and a move out to the country... and everything in life changed once more.
We are now at two years later. The websites and magazines are done (except for one, which has been on hiatus anyway), the store is no longer open, the traveling all done, no ideas for more books at the moment, no plans for leading professional developments. Not much scrapping in general at all. Now, these things did not all change all at one time-- they were gradual... but through it all, I just kept thinking there was a plan in it-- God has a plan for all changes-- and to do us good, not harm... and I felt him tugging at me to slow down, to enjoy my family more, to connect more with Tyler... and I have faith in God's plans, but at the same time, little things with my health seemed to be getting worse.
When the "busy-ness" changed most, when things started getting "wrapped up", it was time for Christmas, and that was a busy family time. I decided to make gifts for everyone on our lists and was looking forward to having the time to do that-- I was actually excited about it. I threw myself into the task, spent my days shopping and crafting and wrapping things up on what was left of the online magazine... it was busy, but what I was used to and the promise of some rest was at the end.
Then, in the midst of Christmas preparations, I was sleeping one night, and OW, it felt like something stung my foot-- totally woke me up from a very sound sleep. I sat up in bed and told myself I was just dreaming or something. An hour later, OWWWW-- there it was again-- I looked all through the bed thinking there is a spider or something that must be stinging or biting me... there wasn't... several nights of this continue until it begins happening in broad daylight-- then even when I'm standing, walking, out shopping-- what the heck?!? It gets so bad that I can't even talk when it's happening-- it gets so bad I can't breathe...
Fast forward through a lot of tests and dr. visits... cultures, blood work, MRIs... excruciating fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, the worst sinus infection I have ever had in my life... lots of medications, referrals... the only for sure diagnosis is neuropathy, tarsal tunnel and Raynaud's in my feet... the rest is unexplained still. I am not in a good place emotionally after 5 months of this to say the least. The thought of glamor, dreams, even goals are all very far from my mind. I've become secluded for the most part-- my big trips out for months being picking Thomas up from school, going to church and dinner afterward, and the grocery store every other week. If it were not for MOPS meetings once a month and a couple of concerts with Andrew, that would be it. For most of this time, that has been all I have had the energy for-- and if not for the kindness of loved ones, I would be with the kids (at least one) 24-hours a day now... which would be easier if I had more energy... but I thank God for those grocery breaks, the concerts, church and dinners and the people who have helped me with the kids and listened to me drone on and on about how awful of a place I have been in... where would I be without all of their help? I don't think it would be a place I could stand.
My "glamor" for right now at age 34 is finding a pair of shoes that my orthodic inserts will fit into so that I don't have to wear my tennis shoes with everything I wear. It's going out to dinner and to Wal-Mart with my husband. It's going to get my hair cut (this afternoon after 3 months--yikes!!!). It's cooking a good dinner that everyone will eat. It's keeping the laundry clean, folded and put away. It's having a good night's sleep. It's getting through an entire day without crying about something silly. It's in trying to find a new dream for myself that doesn't involve neglecting all the little things I have learned to find important... it's in feeling good-- and getting healthy.
What I am trying to get at with alllllll of this very long post is that I know there are lessons that I am learning and that I am supposed to be learning through pain, through paying attention to my health, through solitude, through tears, through the changes, through lack of things to occupy my mind that would distract from the lessons. If I am honest, I hate it... I REALLY hate some of it... but I know this is where God has designed to meet me, and He has His reasons. I am not perfect, I am not glamorous, I don't know what dreams I can even have, but I do know there are answers and I do know that while God doesn't want me "busy", I do need to find some re-defined "glamor" to give me "rest" from the "rest"... I don't want to lose what I have learned to be valuable-- I like having time with Tyler, I like having the laundry done and put away, I like cooking dinner, I like having things (mostly) in their right places-- things that were definitely neglected when I was at my busiest. There has to be some balance in all of this though and maybe that means that I need to be okay with the thought that my life is not going to be my old definition of glamor... but I need a re-defined "glamor"...
Dates at Wal-Mart and good shoes for my orthodics is definitely NOT the place I want to be the rest of my life, but for now it is where I am. My definition of glamor will never be the same again-- nor will my dreams. God is calling me to re-define my views and priorities before I can even begin to know what goals I should have. While I wouldn't mind occasionally borrowing someone else's life-- dress, shoes, dancing and all-- like the maid in the video from yesterday, it's more important that I learn the value of the life I actually have right now.
Note: I guess I've been saving up on words for a while now. ;)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:54 AM 2 comments
Labels: Deep thoughts
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Remember this song/video from the 80's?
Explanation tomorrow...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 1:50 PM
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I scrapped...
... but I can't post it here--lol... I'll explain sometime. The point is, I did scrap and it was almost fun. :) So, maybe more sometime soon. I've been planning to get some photos enlarged for the walls and now just need to get started on that. I never used to have trouble "getting started" with creative things, but I just must be in some other place these days.
Something completely unrelated and very interesting I stumbled across... have you heard of expertvillage.com? I just found it-- how cool! You can learn everything from how to put makeup on correctly, to how to start your own puppet business, to changing a transmission here... and everything in between! I haven't looked around much, but it looks like there are video tutorials on almost anything you can think of! Very cool.
And... just because I think this post needs a picture...
You might have seen this sidewalk artist before, but if you haven't, check out all of his work here-- just amazing!! This is just one example-- really-- AMAZING! The whole scene is actually on the sidewalk. How does he do it??
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff