We are officially in the craziness of summer... I know it's not officially summer just yet, but "the lazy days of summer" just doesn't ever seem to fit anymore.
To re-cap the last week and fast forward through the next few days...
We did end up finding a pool, Andrew worked for hours leveling the dirt off for it and filling it, it didn't seem level, we decided to go ahead and get in just once before we re-do it to get it level, two of us got in, the water spilled over the wall and that was that for now. We have to re-do it anyway, and the kids didn't seem to care, but it kind-of stunk that Andrew put so much hard work into it for so long... I guess it's like wall-papering (or anything else) the first time is never the best. While Andrew worked on the dirt, the boys had a great time playing in it... Tyler is a dirt magnet, but Thomas generally hates getting dirty-- so this was a photo treat for me. :) I love the way Tyler is looking at Thomas with so much admiration, too. I love my boys!
Moving along through the weekend, we had Thomas' party at a nearby school playground on Sunday (a great place to have a party if they have an outside picnic area like this one does. You don't have to share the playground with anyone and there's plenty of shade). We had a really good time... even the adults. :)
This is my crazy BIL hanging out on the playground. :)
It is so hard for me to believe that I have an 8 year old-- how the heck did that happen anyway?? He is so sweet and wise beyond his years, too. The other day he told me that he felt like his life was a dream because it was so good. What else can you hope for for your children? He makes my heart sing, this boy!
And, just because I want to throw this one in 'cause I love this "non-cowboy" man in his cowboy hat...
On to yesterday-- Thomas' actual birthday... I had the first of 3 appointments of my root canal. It wasn't so bad, but I started having pain last night and still have some and some swelling, but all in all, not as bad as I thought it would be... Then we got one last present (a sonic plug and play game) and then ate fresh for lunch (subway) with Andrew. Came home and played a bit-- I am BEAT. Thursday, I have my appointment at the rheumatologist and I have another appt. Monday with an integrative med. dr. I won't have my 2nd root canal appt. until the 27th. Cannot wait to get this all over with... ugh!
I also have the possibility of a teaching job in the fall. It's Kindergarten. I'm praying about it and trying to wrap my brain around the possibility before I write too much about it-- plus, I need to talk more with them-- but I already have the application in hand.
Lots to think and pray about-- if you have a list, please add me to it. :) If you need me to add you to mine, I'd be more than happy to return the favor... just ask. And, while on the subject, a dear friend's dad (Michelle's dad) was just diagnosed with ALS-- please keep them in your prayers.
Lots to work on and I've rambled on enough.
16 years ago
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