Thursday, July 5, 2007

playing catch-up

whew... it's Thursday already. Quite a week. I'll find some music finds later...

This week has been a roller coaster of sorts. Monday, the trouble I have been having with the car got worse and I thought it wasn't going to even start... finally got it to start, Andrew got a new battery put in, then I waited a while... still gave me trouble starting. I had my immunologist appointment on Tuesday morning and I planned on driving myself, but was afraid I was going to get stranded (not in my hometown), so we dropped the kids at the summer extended care program at the school I'll be teaching at in the fall and then we dropped off the van at the shop, which is nearby. Then, Andrew drove me to my appointment... I was nervous about the appointment before any of that because I had called for my results twice and they had not given them to me, just told me the immunologist would have them. So, Tuesday was... whew... The problem with the car is supposed to be the starter (which I right now am doubting a bit because it has started fine since, but I could be wrong)... I have noticed a little clear drip today after I park somewhere and then get back in, even when the AC is not running... not sure what that means, but I want to make sure it's the starter before we go that route.

Anyway, the appt. at the dr.-- my ANA (antinuclear antibodies) results came back positive. Basically, I have to wait for my follow up with the rheumatologist to get closer to the "why", but it could point to connective tissue stuff, RA or Lupus (which could be as simple as the "skin" version, I believe). Anyway, trying not to get too worked up about it until I go on the 31st. I will also go back to see the immunologist on that same day. He gave me a pneumonia vaccine to "boost" my immune reactions and to see what happens from it-- made me sore, lymph nodes under my arm sore and I thought I was going to get a cold, but so far, I'm better. Also had three skin tests for candida and he was hoping to see a reaction on those-- that would point to my body fighting against it, but i had zero reaction. No surprise to me though, since that has been going on for so long now. Anyway, it's all still wait and see again for now.

Then, the fourth... Thomas had his first parade with scouts. He didn't want to do it, but he got brave and was fine. :) I was on the wrong side of the street, so I only got pics of his back-- darn it! Then we had RAIN-- real rain all day after. I was afraid the fireworks were going to be rained out,but they weren't... go figure. :) That rain probably saved a lot of yards-- it was DRY!

The pic of the Gen. Lee is just for fun-- a guy we go to church with was driving it, not sure if it's his?

Then, today Ty had his check-up-- FOUR shots! Poor baby! He did well... after he quit screaming when he saw the treasure box. ;) I had my camera in my purse and planned on taking some pics (pre-"shots"), but forgot because I knew the shots were coming and was nervous for him. He is acting totally normal at the moment though-- he is a tough "little" guy! :) I say little because he is still 90th/97th percentile. The boy needs to play football... um, maybe... not sure I could stand it though.

And, just one more for fun... our cat is in love with our bird... seriously! LOL

All for now,