Monday, July 9, 2007

Whew! I just finished up on an article I had to get out and I've been working on a new project, too (details coming soon). I've got to get my brain back in gear for the classroom, too and hope to touch base with the other new kindergarten teacher before our staff meeting Friday. Also have the car problem to deal with and really need to entertain the kids for the afternoon. Just lots going on. It's easy to let it get to you and it's not good for me to let it... an ongoing struggle I'm trying to end... so, I'm going to try to devote the afternoon to the kids and cleaning... and just breathing.

Have a good day. :)

P.S. Anyone else having trouble posting a title to their blog posts? Urg! What's up with that?!?


Anonymous said...

(waving hand)

Trouble with blog title here too!