to the dr.-- not the immunologist, but just my GP... have just been hurting way too much. He gave me something for the hurt-- it's helping, but not quite fast enough and it's making me sleepy. He ran a couple of blood tests to check my ANA, etc. since I haven't had that done since summer. He thinks I could have been trying to "fight off" a viral thing (with my lack of T cells, my body gets confused about where the "bad guy" is) OR it could be THE thing that has been elusive rearing it's ugly head... maybe the lupus-type thing we haven't been able to identify... either way, I am tired of hurting.
We have yet another snow day today-- yikes-- I think we're on number 8! And, for some reason these things have been hitting on Tuesdays... We didn't get much at all at home though. I've got to get into school somehow today to get stuff ready for my morning sub tomorrow... going to observe another classroom.
Andrew flies to NY today... prayers are with him, if you read this, please do the same. :) Safety, confidence, clarity and direction.
We're wrapping up on Thomas' pinewood derby today-- will post pics soon-- it's top secret for now. ;) It's awesome this year! :) Hoping for a creativity trophy this time around.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
went back
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Saturday, February 23, 2008
do you go to the door...
with a towel on your head? I don't. Someone just knocked on my door and here I sit with a towel wrapped around my head and the blinds to the window open right beside me. I ran around the corner before she could see me... LOL. It looked like she had a picture frame, so my guess is she was selling something, but I don't exactly live in a metropolis, so it's strange to get people just showing up down this lane-- if I were selling something, I wouldn't do it. I've had to make home visits down "lanes" and I wasn't comfy to say the least at a few.
Anyway, waiting for lunch from Andrew... the stinker went to the gym and left his cell in the car for 2 hours, and had me worried... lots of things I could be doing, but here I sit with a towel on my head. Thomas has his pinewood derby race coming up, so gotta get the plans, etc. sorted-- ya know, we're always last minute in those... best of intentions and all that...
Think I'll dry my hair now in case she comes back. :) I'll try to find something more exciting to say next time. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, February 22, 2008
been feeling...
witchy, only with a "b"... just tired of fussing at the kids-- and this has not been just since the snow hit, oh no... just tired of "re-directing" all day... love my babies, but ugh...
So, for laughs, I found this-- love this! Moms will understand it. ;)
And, while I was on a laughing kick, I went and snagged this, too... love my Conchords-- and this one is my favorite!
Smile! :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:31 PM 0 comments
the big thaw...
Just posted some new pics of the thaw / ice on my photo blog.
Here are my moon pics, too... you can tell how cold I was by the movement, LOL, still cool to have them though. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: photos and photography
home again, home again,
jiggity jig.... is that how how spell jiggity? LOL
More ice... sigh... we're never getting out of school this summer! But, I'm not complaining for the extra sleep right now! :)
Need to spend some time cleaning today, want to get into picture stuff, and Thomas even gave me permission to scrapbook today-- ha! He just wants my computer! Andrew is home working so maybe it will be a PJ day all day for all of us. We were supposed to have a reward (100 marbles) PJ party in my classroom today, so I may just go with it here. :) I am really hurting-- have been for a week-- just so hurting... maybe headed back to the dr. I've tried everything, it's not leaving... PJs will be good today.
Maybe I'll stop back later with some pics (took some of the lunar eclipse I need to get off the camera), but for now, in honor of the jiggity up there...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, February 18, 2008
still kickin'
just have been busy...
Let's see... got a new cell phone, so if you have my old number, it's null... email me if you don't get one from me with my new number. :)
Got a lot of stuff still to do tonight for school, but it's looking like more snow may be hitting... we've already used up our "built-in" snow days, so we're into June... sigh...
Andrew's been busy, busy all day-- lots going on, but nothing I can post about, LOL. He's such a rockstar. :D
This video is for him. He loves this movie;)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
in from the cold
My third post today-- whoa!
We weren't able to make a snowman-- too much ice mixed in the snow, but the kiddos did go sledding down the hill (aka the gentle slope)... they had a blast and brrrrr... it's still snowing! I put up some other wintry shots on my photo blog, but here are a few "fun" ones...
And some "nature" shots... (more of these here)...
AND... some action...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff, photos and photography
new soul
I have been dying to find this song-- it's on the commercial for the new Mac laptop-- the ultra thin one... yay! I found it! LOVE this song... and how cool is this video?! WOW!
new soul by yael naim
**ETA: OK... go to her myspace... she has Hebrew and English songs on this album... I love it! Just WOW! Why do commercials have such awesome songs on them now anyway?
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
living in snowglobe
We're going to try to make a snowman in a bit. It's just gotten a lot colder now-- we're going to have to bundle up or my feet and hands will be purple for 3 days. I've got lots of other snowy photos, but will wait for now... snowman pics coming soon, I hope.
Andrew went in to work today-- the interstate was a solid sheet of ice... sigh... I hope he can make it home later... hopefully, it will all be cleared by then. It's pretty bad when the side roads are better than than the interstate. They had some people coming in to visit, so he's there... saying a prayer for a good day with that and safety for him.
I've been working on Valentine stuff for school (thankfully, I brought all that home with me before the snow hit). I got all the card holder / paper bag books done last night and will be cutting out card supplies for mom and dad cards today. I have the cutest idea to include their photos in the cards, but don't know if I can get them all taken and printed all in one day or not... having a brand new printer / copier *in* my classroom helps A LOT, so I might try. I've got to figure out a way to pull more crafting into my classroom... wrote a book on it, but don't *do* it enough, LOL.
Will be back later I'm sure. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff, photos and photography
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
snow and ice
And, now it's raining... ah, weather in the bluegrass... yep, another snow day. We'll be in 'till July if it doesn't stop-- only had 3 snow days total, but add that to 2 flu days... At least Andrew was able to take half the day to sled (yes, in the rain) and then he has worked the other half of the day from home. Apparently, there's still more snow on the way, too... oiy.
Anyway, I posted LOTS of tundra pictures on my photo blog, but here's a few for here, too.
I'm going to *try* to put up a little video of the sledding expedition if I can figure it out... coming soon, I hope. :) *ETA: it worked! Yeehaw!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff, photos and photography
Sunday, February 10, 2008
OK-- I think I've used that title before-- LOL...
Anyway, I am in this creatively frustrated thing right now. I'm taking pictures, trying to learn-- to squeeze it all in because I *want* to take pictures... I *want* to learn how to do it and do it right, but I don't have the right equipment and so I am limited by what I have, and can't afford what I need to do it right. I also have all these ideas whirling around in my head and *want* to do them, but I'm restrained-- by time, by what I *have* to do everyday, but money, by all of those things that box us in. But it's more than just that really. I'm floundering... I HATE that feeling...
Since going back to work and all the other things of "normal life", I've kind of felt this gradually increasing nagging feeling, like what I am doing is "safe" but maybe not "right", all that bothers me, too, because if it was God's will for me to be doing these things, then I shouldn't feel so antsy, should I? So, I feel guilty for not wanting to do them... ugh... does that even make sense? Restless isn't even the right word... I don't know exactly the right words to use, but basically, a very large part of me isn't getting any exercise and so I am frustrated. I know I am supposed to be a servant, to put others before myself, I am just struggling with doing so much of that I guess maybe... I don't know... it sometimes squeezes the "me" out of me. I get lost in it.
This past week, I quit my steering team position in MOPS and a couple of other things that just were beginning to feel more like labor than labors of love... because of the time constraints, because of being a mom and trying to get it all in and make sure my boys get what they need from me, and because of the pursuit to find something that is me... I'm in this exhausted state of being right now... I need a date, I need a manicure, I need a facial, I need a camera, I need a raincoat and a sunburn (threw in a Counting Crows reference for you, dear)... I don't ask much, do I? (smirk) I am feeling demanding, and yet I can't stop myself... Anyway... just needed to somehow get that all into words and then maybe I can move on-- you know that's what I do here. I guess these posts are really for myself, and not that anyone else is reading them, but if you are, just know, this rant was just for me... I'll post something happy next time.
Enjoy some Counting Crows on me. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Deep thoughts
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Have you heard this song?
Very cool videography, too.
She's awesome...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
OK-- I did it...
I decided to go ahead and start a separate photo blog-- doesn't mean I won't be posting pics here, but that way, when I need to get lots up for my own reasons, it won't take up so much space here. If you want to visit, it's here.
It's been a busy week-- between work, life, storms, no sleep... etc. We have two days off here as the flu has hit hard. We've been fortunate... Thomas' school hasn't been hit too badly, and Tyler and I have been safe at a private school thus far. Tyler actually had a friend sped the night last weekend and *he* now has the flu (the friend). He goes to another school... so we've been blessed. With the weather and no sleep, I have been exhausted-- slept almost 10 hours last night-- yikes!!!
So, yay! I have had the day off to catch up on sleep and photo stuff. I've spent the morning diving into some photography books... I am LOVING that! It's just as much fun to have light bulbs go off over your own head! (If you are, or ever have been a teacher OR seen light bulbs over your own child's head, you'll get that statement... LOL). I'm trying-- and it's so great to actually get into the camera I bought almost a year ago...
Still waiting on things to "come about", so I'm low on words... maybe I'll explain that someday soon. ;) I have great aspirations anyway-- ha! The yo-yo weather here has made for some beautiful skies these past couple of weeks... so I'll post one of those from my new blog here, too... while I'm at it... I have a fun shadow shot from our Groundhog unit... I'll put that one here, too.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: photos and photography