until the last day of school. :) Today, we had field day, and I bypassed the sunscreen since I am in need of vitamin D (a deficiency)... all day, no noticeable sun at all... other people were noticeably brown or burned... me, nothing. Then, after we came in and were in for about 3 hours, my arms began to turn-- they're red now, but not anywhere else. Very strange. Wonder if that is how a vitamin D deficiency works? It's always taken sun a long time to show up on me, but not usually tis long. Don't know? Don't know if I posted before, but apparently, I have a Vitamin D level of 10, which is supposed to be between 30-100. Don't really know much more about it though at this point.
This afternoon, I received my contract for next year... until I get through these tests with the neuro and rheumatologist, I don't know what to do...
Anyway, summer is coming and I need it... God will reveal the rest to me; I know He will. Keeping faith in that fact is the key.
16 years ago
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