Thursday, August 28, 2008

fast week

Is it Thursday already? What a fast week!

I went to orientation for subbing on Tuesday-- had a physical Monday (tweaking my meds again for one last shot to get the Neurontin to the right level-- if this doesn't work, we're changing it)-- had to have my TB test read yesterday... Thomas had his choir try-outs on Monday, too-- he made it! :) He had a little grin on his face when I picked them up on Tuesday, so I knew before he even opened his mouth. :) Andrew's been working on his new company and they are getting everything in place, so he's been really busy.

Then, yesterday, I also got a call from the school I just left. They had sort-of offered me a part-time job, but the hours, etc. didn't work out... yesterday, they offered me a few more hours, so I may end up doing it and stay on the sub list for the county for afternoon sub needs... the sub caller said there is a need for that. I also want to get my photography going and get back to writing, so having the afternoons free would be ideal if it works out. God has a plan and I am listening.

Anyway, a busy week in the rollercoater that is us these days... we'll see what today brings. :)