I've been expending nervous energy by finding some cool music, so I thought I'd share. :)
Recently discovered from a post at two peas, pandora how cool is this site? You pick songs for your own online radio station and can listen to the songs you picked streaming from your computer. I love this! You can put in the type of music you like, a song title or artist and it will pull entire playlists together for your personalized "station". You can also approve or veto each song. A very cool concept!
Next on the list is Ingrid Michaelson. A really cool sound! Love her! For those who watch Grey's Anatomy (sorry, I don't-- gasp! I have never even seen ER--lol), you will recognize her stuff from the show as I have heard.
And, lastly... the find I love the most... Forever Thursday. I REALLY wanted to put the song, How Can it Be on here-- but alas, I could only get it from itunes. I did for my own listening, so if you want it, too, that's where you can find it. You might recognize the song from the new JC Penney commercial. The singer is actually Melanie Horsnell, I have discovered. She's an Aussie-- hope her stuff makes it to the states soon-- she has such a cool Beatles meets Six Pence None the Richer sound... love, love, love it...
So... here's a Six Pence video just for fun. :)
And one more-- this one really is lastly... for my dh actually... you need to check out his online radio station... he's the playlist man / music specialist, etc. :)
That's it for now... time for lunch. :)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Music finds...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: Music finds
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I *FINALLY* got the culture results
So after two phone messages to the dr.'s office today, I finally got a call back from the NP... Apparently, the results came in but the NP was stumped by it so she was digging for more info before calling me back.
Anyway, what I am dealing with is apparently Aspergillus Niger rather than Candida Albicans... thus, why nothing has been working I am guessing. The NP still wasn't quite sure about what it means, so she is going to have my GP call me tomorrow. She (as I do) feels that it is not the primary problem, but at least it might get us one step closer. Since she wasn't familiar, I did some digging on my own, too and apparently, this is the same thing that causes black mold and sometimes ear infections... hopefully, I will find out more tomorrow, but at least these first results are finally back. Still not sure what it means for the steroid shots with the neuropathy or what it means for the root cause, but moving in that direction soon hopefully.
If anyone out there has any other info on this, I would really appreciate it.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
{insert scream here!!!!}
I called the dr.'s office yet again just a few minutes ago. It's now to the point where they will not even look in the stack of files for my results. Today, I got, "The NP won't be in until this evening anyway, so I will give her your message." To which, I interrupted the trying-to-hang-up-the-phone-on-me-pause to let them know that it is urgent that the NP call me tonight. I realize I am not the only patient seen in that office, but it has been 1 month and 10 days since that culture was done (not to mention I was promised the results by the lab on the 22nd!!!!). I want the results and I want them NOW. I can't do anything regarding the neuropathy until I have them and my follow up with the specialist is Monday... she wants to do a series of steroid shots... cannot do that to candida-- not to mention the fact that we need to get to the bottom of what is going on. Neuropathy doesn't just happen... there's a reason and if they cannot help me, I need to go to someone who can.
Sorry... rant over-- I'm just beyond frustrated! I'll try really hard to think some happy thoughts and come back in a bit with something nice to say. Breathing in and out...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, February 26, 2007
An interview call for designers... an article I'm working on
I'm working on a magazine article (SB industry mag) and need some input from other industry designers who work with local retailers and/or manufacturers. Specifically, designers who specialize in a particular area-- whether it be specific types, styles or sizes of layouts, altered arts, kids crafts, mini albums, home decor, etc. The only catch is that it has to link to scrapbooking retail in some way.
If this applies to you, and you would be willing to participate in a brief questionnaire-style interview via email, please send me a PM through the DesignerZine forum (you have to be a registered user) or through 2 peas... I'm rlynnbaker over there. :) OR you can email me directly at rlynnbakerdz@gmail.com. Please put the words "designer article" in the subject line.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Designer stuff
Confessions of a Dt. Mt. Dew addict
Um, so, yeah... I'm a Dt. Mt. Dew addict... it's my answer to coffee... since I don't drink coffee. I don't get to have many guilty pleasures, so this is it. Well, this and bagels. Yeah, I know. It's so not good for me. And, I know, neither are the bagels (for starch/yeast reasons), but, sigh... a girl's gotta have something. Chocolate (the kind with sugar) is a no-no for me-- as is anything with sugar... and you just cannot eat a whole lotta the stuff with sugar substitutes without being pretty darn sorry. I know the caffeine is going to have to go. And, the bagels, too... but, ugh-- not today...
So, my second confession... um, this bottle here is a two liter. I decided to just go right ahead and drink out of the bottle since I'm the only one who drinks it in my house... I know, I know, bad, bad, bad. I started to get a cup, but then I thought-- why? LOL
Andrew is a big green tea drinker, so I am sure that I will be getting some comments from him on this post if he sees it later. :p He's a non-carbonated-water beverage freak... I can say that since this is my blog. ;) And, yes, I know the benefits of tea-- especially green, and I'll do an occasional cup of PG Tips, even though, yeah, I know it isn't green... but come on... Dt. Mt. Dew is green... well, sorta.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Sunday, February 25, 2007
This weekend kicked my ba-hootie, John Mayer and various other ramblings...
We made it to the John Mayer concert-- I picked up some New Balance shoes with suede-like lining and some medi-ped socks... both were a huge help, but not actually for standing during the concert or the walk out. I am still reeealllllllyyyyyy paying for that. We were surrounded by screaming girls-- wow, am I old--gasp! But if not for the painful feet and squealing girls, a very good concert. Here's a pic-- dark and from row T, but you get the idea. ;)
We'll be going to see Audio Adrenaline and Mercy Me in April (for Andrew's job)... front row, center for that one, so I'm sure the pics will be much better. REALLY hoping to have this foot stuff better before that, too-- and maybe a few less screaming girls... in light of the genre.
Another busy day today and I'm actually looking forward to sleeping tonight-- lol-- another way you can tell I'm old. I found a loooonnnnngggg gray hair in my head this morning, too-- so I guess why fight it; huh?
I'm sure I have other things to talk about, but will save them for tomorrow... off to chill for a bit before supper.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 2:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Need to smile?
Trying to ignore my purple throbbin' foot...
I LOVE BNL and this makes me smile. :) Gotta appreciate the bluegrass 'flava' when you live amongst it, too. ;) They did this rendition when we saw them a couple of years ago... a BIG hit here in 'tucky!
{Apparently this was a telethon they did in Canada... nice of them to share some bluegrass at home; eh?} :D
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Done with the MRI
Home for just a few before going to pick up Thomas... I had my MRI done this morning... ugh... 1 hour and 45 minutes of no moving with only a "repositioning" break after an hour... then, they also went ahead and fit me for orthodics for my shoes. They included a tissue and bone scan, so we should be able to see what the deal is all the way around.
My culture is supposed to be done tomorrow. I'm not sure if that means my GP will have the results then via email tomorrow or if we're going to have to wait for mail... Anyway, I won't have the results from the MRI or the orthodics for two weeks when I have my follow up. The podiatrist also wanted to do a series of steroid shots in my foot to shrink the neuropathy (ouch!), but we're holding off on that because it's not good with the candida. So... some more waiting ahead, but at least I can look forward to walking a little better within a couple of weeks with the help of the orthodics, and in the meantime, got some meds to help, too.
So... that's what I know. Thanks so much once again for your continued thoughts and prayers. Back soon...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Time for some happy stuff...
So, we're going to a John Mayer concert Saturday-- whoo- hoo! What is really cool is that it's actually a "working" kind of thing for Andrew with his new "music specialist" job... very cool... gets to write a review. :) He's going to have to carry me in though...
Anyway... here's some for you. :)
Hate to watch him sing-- lol-- it's his mouth... I might have to close my eyes the whole time. :p That could work...
Some more "happy" things...
Thomas got his wolf badge Friday and a whole bunch 'o belt loops... yeehaw-- so proud of him! And he LOVES scouting!
And here's my little cookie monster. :)
... in the middle of posting, the podiatrist's office called... the MRI will be partially covered by my insurance, as will my orthotics... go figure! :) Some good news!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:44 AM 1 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, February 19, 2007
Referral upate
Um, so... uh, I don't really know where to start. I'm still kinda numb. Literally (got a numbing shot-- yes, shot in the top of my foot-- can you say OW?!?!)...
So, here is what I know. I have neuropathy in my feet-- not one, but both. Right one is worse-- have a huge knot on the bottom of my foot and a second neuropathy starting. I also have nerve damage in my left foot, but have not yet developed a neuropathy there.
I also have tarsal tunnel syndrome in both feet (and most likely carpal tunnel in both hands).
In relation to all of that, I also have secondary Raynaud's (which is syndrome, not disease). This affects the circulation in my feet.
I am supposed to have an MRI done on the worse of my two feet this week-- IF my insurance will cover it. If not, we're going to try to figure it out somehow without it I guess. They just want to get a view of the neuropathy.
The podiatrist wrote an order for physical therapy and wants me to have some sort of inserts made for my shoes (they will do this). She gave me the numbing shot to determine how much damage there is. I am supposed to make note of when the feeling comes back. That was the most awful shot I have ever felt-- truly awful. In the top of my foot and into the nerve. Awful! She also prescribed something for my nerves and an anti-inflammatory.
I am just stunned. Truly. And all of this without any of the answers from the other cultures yet. How old am I again? I feel like I'm about 100.
Say a prayer for me if you read this. I am freaked out about what all of it means. I know there are things much worse-- and I shouldn't assume the worst-- I know I have to do what I have to do, and just move on, but I'm just really freaked right now, not knowing the underlying cause of any of it...
Thank you,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:57 AM 5 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007
An epiphany... and good thoughts requested for tomorrow morning...
So, I've been thinking a lot about organization lately-- I think mostly as a way to keep my mind on something "not-so-worrisome"-- but also because I am at this point in life where I'd like to surround myself with joyful stuff. And, I really do think life would be more joyful with some organization and aesthetically pleasing stuff thrown in just for kicks.
I am an organizer by heart, but you'd never know it by my house. Living with 3 boys (counting hubby), there's too much to keep up with, kwim? I started thinking about that today and I had an epiphany. I used to be more into decorating our home and enjoyed artwork, matching furniture (lol), etc., etc.-- before the boys came along. I think I honestly quit caring just because no one else in the house really cares about any of that stuff. Boys inherently don't care about the pattern of the curtains or what (if any) pictures hang on the wall-- or what the furniture they are sitting on looks like-- as long as it's comfy. So, when we moved here almost two years ago (gasp!), I didn't hang many pictures, or "theme" any rooms... I have become somewhat of a minimalist. Which, I don't think is a terrible thing, but, as I said, I am seeking joyful things lately... so, as soon as the medical stuff is out of the way, it's time to get back to the girl I am. :) Lucky for them, my tastes are not frilly, froo-froo anyway... at least I don't think it is... it's been a while. ;)
I plan on starting with a list of things to help get us better organized around here and then I'll tick them off one by one. First thing, definitely need a better system for separating our recyclables-- yikes-- our laundry room has been filled with bags of the stuff waiting for the trip to the recycling center. Luckily, dh just took a big load, so now is the time for a new improved system before the mountain begins again! If you have any really cool tips for organizing that work well at your house, I would LOVE to hear them! I am seeking inspiration on all things "home"! :)
Tomorrow morning is my appt. with the podiatrist... the first step to getting this all figured out. I am really optimistic about getting somewhere through this appt., so good thoughts are much appreciated! :) Just saw on the TV that we have an hour delay with school tomorrow, too, so... looks like I'll be taking Thomas to school, dropping Ty at my mom's, and then my appt. -- if it all goes as planned it should work out... gotta make sure I know where I'm going though... hmmm...
Anyway, that's that for Sunday night... thanks for any suggestions you're willing to share with the organization and thanks, too for the good thoughts tomorrow morning. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, February 16, 2007
Forced quiet
So, I just updated the devotion on my devotional blog-- and I wrote about peace and simplicity and how we need to be quiet to hear what God is trying to say to us... well, I am being *very* quiet today. No voice. At all. I didn't have much of one yesterday, but none today. Wonder if there's a point to that? lol
So, I have gotten to the point where I feel like I'm not really posting anything here unless it includes some photos (anyone else feel that way about blogging?). So, I started thinking about what pics I could post since I haven't had the time/energy to get any pages done. And, then I realized I never posted my Blues Brothers... they were sooo cute... so, here they are:
I realized too that I have posted more layouts and pics of Tyler than Thomas, so in the interest of equal time, I need to post something Thomas. :)
This one is from last year, but my little Cub Scout gets his wolf badge tonight, so I'm sure there will be lots of "blue & gold banquet" pics to share next time. :)
Went to MOPS last night-- the first newsletter project looks great-- they did a great job on it. We had lots of fun, but ugh-- paying for it today with my feet, legs & voice... going to make some tea as advised by dh in a minute... hopefully, that will help. The craft for MOPS last night was a photo message board.
We only had about 15 minutes left to work on it though, so I barely got started. Just some ink around the edges-- think I'm going to distress it and go from there... any ideas?
OK... back for just a minute... here you go, honey... happy?
...and I even put it in a festive mug! :D
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Just one more thing...
I know-- I'm chatty today... just wanted to update some info here about my devotions blog... Letting Go is a daily devotional blog for control freaks... I started it a couple of days ago as a blog for busy moms, but after some divine intervention, I felt led to open it up a bit. If you join me in the affliction of "perfectionism" and/or "control freakedness" (a knew word I have invented), I'd love for you to check it out and jump right in!
K-- 'nough for now!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devotions
I really wasn't expecting anything for Valentine's Day... but Andrew still surprises me. :) He actually called me before he got home and said he bumped into Thomas' teacher in Hallmark, so I figured he probably just picked up a card-- maybe a candle. For those of you who are in Kentucky, you know Paul Sawyier most likely... one of Kentucky's most famous artists. Well, back before the kids were born, Andrew had given me a couple of prints... one hangs over our fireplace--"Journey Home"-- and it has always been really sentimental for me-- he bought it during the time we lived away from home and family. (Sorry for the glare)-- but the painting is a traveler walking down a dirt path home.
Well, it's been years since I have gotten any of his prints, or for that matter, *anything* that is just something to appreciate for its beauty... so, for Valentine's Day, he picked up this small Sawyier print for me:
It's of a man and a woman taking a stroll close together in the snow (appropriately titled , "Winter Stroll"). It made me cry-- just the thought of the two of us walking together in the snow... I miss us sometimes when we get bogged down with life. I LOVE, love, love my kiddos, but there's just not much time for "just us" most of the time. I couldn't tell you the last time we went on an actual "date"... but this gift gave me a glimpse of what it will be like when it comes back to being just us one day. And, I know I need to enjoy the time we have with the kids while they are small-- it only happens once. So, we can look forward to the stroll in the snow one day. :) And, maybe by then, I'll be able to stroll a little better than I can now anyway.
For Andrew's Valentine's day present, I let him order a magazine--lol... AND, I made him a layout telling him all the things I know I don't tell him enough.
Things I HOPE he knows, but I know he still needs to hear them. He is still my best friend-- after 18 Valentine's Days together, he's still my funny Valentine. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Something happy... puppy love for Valentine's Day! :)
Ty and Emeril (yes, that is our dog's name) sharing a doggie-kiss... pending page, "They call this puppy love". :)
Emeril has really calmed down and Tyler is able to actually snuggle with him now. Emeril has finally backed off a bit on the thought of Ty being his chew toy-- it still happens, but not as much. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Got my referral...
I got my referral to a podiatrist. I'll be going Monday morning at 9:20. Meanwhile, I've got purple feet and I managed to bang my foot on the slat of the rocking chair this morning... not good. Trying to stay warm today and I'm ready for a happy post, so I'm going to get some pics off my camera and post them next. Been listening to Corrine Bailey Rae (bought her CD for myself for Christmas)-- love her and she has such a happy feel... good for me. If you need to hear something happy, scroll down and click on the video in "What I'm Listening to..."
Back in a bit with some pics.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
So, I got a call from the NP and she's referring me to a podiatrist-- I am expecting a call in the morning with the appt. info. At least this will give us a clue about what's going on or not going on with my feet. The NP thinks it might be Raynaud's disease (or syndrome if it ends up secondary to RA)... it's a vascular disease where the arteries are very small and have spasms (usually in the feet and hands) in response to cold. The oxygen then does not make it to the limbs and that causes the tingling, pain, discoloration, etc. It all makes sense-- the pain in my feet has been in spasms-- it's been a sharp electric pain though, which is what made us think it was nerve related. I've done some research on Raynaud's and it sounds very possible as the symptoms are all familiar. If that ends up being it, it could answer a lot of questions and cause a few others. It's often associated with another disease, so that could be RA.
As for the Candida, apparently, the culture will not be complete until the 22nd, but they verbally told the nurse that called that the initial slide showed nothing... what?!? THAT makes no sense at all since the original in-office slide confirmed candida... unless it's systemic, and then it might not show up on that type of culture as I understand it... so that could take us back to square one on that. But at least I'm getting a response and direction to move in now and that is of some help. So, that's where we are for now...
Thanks everyone for your supportive words and helpful email. I've been a mess and your input has been so helpful!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
More waiting...
I only have a minute, but wanted to post this follow-up real quick... I called my doctor's office again today and asked them to call the lab to see about the cultures we've been waiting THREE WEEKS for... they called and said it takes 4-6 weeks, something my GP's office was apparently unaware of. I am supposed to expect a phonecall from the NP tonight to get a referral (my GP is out today). I've been promised calls before and not gotten them, so we will see. All I know is that during this waiting time for the cultures, I am having increased problems with my foot and circulation. Enough of this waiting-- I just can't sit around and wait anymore... I have no energy, can't walk-- and I am FREEZING from the inside out... that's not normal.
Gotta go now, will update more later-- hopefully after I get the phonecall. (Keep your fingers crossed for me).
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, February 12, 2007
Someone who has been on my mind a lot lately...
This is my friend, Jackie. I wish I had a better picture of her-- I've been feeling the need to scrapbook about her. Jackie died in 1999 of cancer at the age of 29. Her ability to share God's love and her faith with others was like no one I have ever known. Her smile and simplicity were contagious... in her soft-spoken voice, she always had a way of cutting right to the heart of the matter and was unafraid of what the earthly consequences of the truth might be... she knew God had her back, and that gave her a quiet power.
We served as youth counselors together at a church with an amazing group of youth back then... the faith of those young people was wise beyond their years and they taught me a lot while we were there, too. But, Jackie was the one who touched my life the most from that period of my life, although she might have never even known it-- a fact I still regret. While she was sick in her final days, we had moved back home and I was pregnant with Thomas, our first child. Thomas was born a few months before Jackie died and at her visitation, Jackie's husband, Todd, told us that she had wanted to see him-- another fact I regret.
The point is, I know that Jackie wouldn't want me to feel regret-- she would have let go of this, but I hold onto it. I am so sorry I wasn't a better friend-- I am so sorry I was afraid. I miss her still and when I'm in periods of life when I could use an honest friend who would tell me the way it really is, I miss her terribly. I realize too that this "missing" that I feel is totally selfish and she would tell me that, too. She is still living-- maybe not where I can see or hear her, but she is living an extraordinary life with her Maker-- a much better life than would be spent here-- and that was the very thing she lived here on earth to do-- to live eternally with Him. Even beyond her earthly life, Jackie is still bringing people closer to God, and I know I am not the only one who has been touched by her tremendous life of faith. Along her journey here on earth, she didn't just care about "getting there"-- she cared about others "getting there", too-- and she shared what was most important with more people than she probably even realized. Jackie made a difference. Not just to me, I know, and I want to thank her.
That picture of her might not be perfect, but I think I'll use it anyway...
Thank you, Jackie.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Updated video tutorial on Crafting with Kids blog!
I just updated the first Crafting with Kids blog video tutorial. Check it out below!
Making Paper Bag Books
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Crafting with Kids
Friday, February 9, 2007
Just added to Crafting with Kids & general schtuff...
I've just been playing around a little with adding some video to the Crafting with Kids blog and added a brief video tutorial on making paper bag books... still playing around with it, but not a bad first effort if you want to give it a try. :) I think it would be a great little "online class" to do along with your kiddos if you've been looking for some ways to craft together. ;) AND, if you're planning on making the Valentine paper bag books for school, this weekend might be a good time to do it together! :)
I'm also working on wrapping up on my first article for the MOPS newsletter and thought I would go ahead and give a little sample here of the project. The whole idea is that each month I'll be giving some craft ideas that you can do as a family. This one is a "10 Things I Like" envelope book-- very inexpensive and each person can participate in this one... a family could even do a "10 Things WE Like" book instead-- or one for each person. The directions for this are in my book and will be included in the MOPS article. These are lots of fun-- my boys have each loved making these!

So happy it's Friday-- even though we only had 2 school days this whole week... think I see a nap or two this weekend! :) Hope everyone has some time to enjoy!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
At my wits end!
I have been going through a series of medical tests and have been waiting for weeks for the results-- I just got a callback from my dr.'s office after waiting for over two weeks for this third cycle of results-- waiting for some cultures to come back-- and they are STILL not back! All we know at this point is that I have nerve damage (in my feet-- with no explanation-- and it is extremely painful and very difficult to walk)... and I was diagnosed with Candida (over a year ago by my GYN), but even with my GP, have not been able to regain my health from that even after going through a multitude of meds / treatments / diet changes. My dr. FINALLY ordered a series of cultures to get to the bottom of what strain of Candida is causing all of this, but in the meantime, I have been severely fatigued and not able to do much that requires standing at all for any length of time-- which is making me beyond nuts-- and really freaking me out!
I just really want to get to the bottom of it all, and I'm not getting answers fast enough... it is so depressing to feel yucky for so long and have no idea why... and it's scary to think it could be something serious and I'm just forced to sit here and wait! If anyone reading this has been diagnosed with anything related to Candida or neuropathy and has any insight they wouldn't mind sharing with me, I would so much appreciate it! I am really thinking it's time to change doctors... and I just really need some insight.
Thanks so much,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 11:49 AM 5 comments
A new project added to Crafting with Kids blog!
Find out how to make this cute little Valentine's Day paper bag book with your kids, students or for your child's teacher on my Crafting with Kids blog!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Crafting with Kids
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
What I did this weekend...
I felt like I was getting back into the swing of things this weekend after getting together with my mom & a friend to scrap… I have been so completely out of the loop and just struggling to find my creative flow again. Long story, but I’ve been going through some health stuff and between dealing with that and the overall change of so many other things, I’ve just been in a slump. I’ve never been one to make page kits… when we had the store, it didn’t make sense to spend the time to do it since if I needed something, I could just pick it up when I went into the store. But, I have, over the past few days discovered the joy of page kits.
I think since the store closed, I’ve almost subconsciously been afraid to use up my cardstock–lol… it’s not like there are not any other stores around–lol– not sure what that’s been about, but… in the process of doing that, my paper and cardstock got pretty darn dusty… ick! So, I ‘ve been cleaning my paper and my studio and that spurred me on to start the process with the photos. That was a handful! I am used to being the one helping others scrap and taking what I can get in the way of scrapping according to what I had to work on FOR work… now that I’m on this side of the story, it’s been strangely uncomfortable for me to let go and concern myself with my own photos and layouts… sounds strange, I know… but I think I’m sort-of going through a workaholic detox right now.
Anyway, I discovered the joy of making page kits– something you apparently have to do when you scrap someplace other than your own studio… and in the midst of that discovery, I also found out that it’s not a bad idea to make them for use in your own studio either… especially when you have been out of the creative loop and need someway to ease yourself back into things.
So, I made something like 12 kits– yes– that is 12 layouts! And, this weekend, I got 2 pages done and one more started… so that leaves me lots of stuff to work on from home– yay! AND we are already on our FIFTH snowday of the school-year and expecting 3-5 more inched today (ugh– I HATE winter!)– so at least, maybe I’ll have something to keep me busy. Since I am finally feeling creative again, that should work out nicely… as will the newly installed DSL and my free trial of Adobe PhotoShop 5.0.
K… I’ll share my other creations in the following days as I get them done… oooo… gotta get going on that MOPS stuff, too– ack!– anyway… here are the two I got done Sunday...
See you soon,L
*My layouts:cold*play: Used sei papers and my cool PSE stuff… the only way snow is fun to me is on a layout.
crybaby: Chatterbox papers, Soft Spoken label
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Crafting with Kids
I'll be adding some info and projects here for those who craft with kids-- and I've also started a blog dedicated entirely to crafting with kids... check it out under "Crafting with Kids" on the sidebar here!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Crafting with Kids