Missed the last couple of days-- still battling the yuckies... new meds today, so I am hoping for something new.
In honor of that thought and because I missed my Thursday post, I'm going to share some "out of the norm" (aka something different) music.
Check these out:
Rachel Brady
Emily Elbert
Ryan Montbleu Band Note: The Same Boat is my fav. :)
Back with other stuff later. :)
Friday, April 27, 2007
And now... for something different
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Here they are...
My pics from the Aaron Shust, Audio Adrenaline, Mercy Me Concert we went to on Saturday... we were front row, center for this one. :) This is the official end of Audio Adrenaline-- and Mark (lead singer) is from Kentucky, so I think it was a special concert for him, too.
Just for fun, I'm posting some of my favorite songs by each, too. :)
Aaron Shust
Love this song by Aaron-- it was the last one he did on Saturday (this clip is from 2006-- boy what a haircut can do--lol):
Audio Adrenaline
You'll have to forgive the blur-- I just loved this picture of Mark Stuart from Audio Adrenaline... just kind of says it all. Audio Adrenaline was one of the first big Christian rock concerts I ever went to and I'll always remember that. They did Big House (which I posted Thomas singing here last week)... they are a mostly rock band, so lots of fast, rock songs... the first one below was one I always loved-- it reminds me of being a youth counselor and taking a group to the concert. The 2nd one below I had never heard before (and it is slow)-- Mercy Me sang it at the concert in tribute to Audio Adrenaline... I love what it says.
Mercy Me
The Mercy Me song that speaks most to me is Bring the Rain... the words of the song feel very familiar to me. You can hear the song on the Mercy Me myspace page.
That's it for now... I promise, I haven't turned this into a music only blog--lol... someday, I'll get back to scrapping. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, April 23, 2007
Frustrated... can't pull it all together into words right now. I have some photos to share from the concert we went to Saturday-- will post them later.
For now, in this mindset, I thought this might be a good song for me to listen to and share. If you haven't heard it yet, you need to-- a very powerful reminder to keep going... and more importantly, to keep praying.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A real quick "Music Finds" this week
A quick one this week. Will write more tomorrow...
Check these out:
Paul Wright
Audrey Assad
a teut a l'heure!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Apparently, I need a giant suitcase...
Anybody got any simpler ideas to clear out the sinuses than this? ;) It's in my teeth... trying nasal spray, sudafed, guaifen, aleve, it's not working fast enough. Any tried and true suggestions?? Don't think they make suitcases that big anymore--lol.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Some good news...
Tyler is going to start preschool in the fall! I did some digging around and yay! there was one spot left in the preschool (which is part of a private Christian school) at our church. He'll only go two days a week... but, this is such a blessing! I have been thinking and praying for a way to make it work, and with it being a two day a week program, it's actually the absolute best way! I won't have to do near the driving as if it were 4 or 5 and it will break him in slowly. (Not to mention the cost of the 4 day a week program wouldn't work-- YIKES!) Anyway, this is a big answer to prayer and will prepare him for Kindergarten, get him used to the group situation and being with kids his age more... and all in familiar surroundings... he REALLY needs this! We'll still be able to work on things together at home, too, the other 3 days a week he is home. I think this will be so good! I was really worried about what we were going to do with him not starting Kindergarten yet... so I am so happy about this! His registration form is all filled out and mailed in as of an hour ago. :)
So, that is the news for today... with everything going on in the world right now, some happy thoughts are definitely a good thing. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, April 16, 2007
I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round...
Some deep thoughts for a Monday as stated by the legendary John Lennon...
It's funny... I was actually looking for a video to put up to try and poke fun at myself for how dizzy I am today. (Sinus infection from hades-- so keep in mind, medicated thoughts ahead--lol)... so, anyway, that song came to mind because of the wheels spinning round and round. I always say that God speaks to me in the shower, but He also speaks to me through music-- always has. Songs just come to mind from time to time.
So I've been thinking... I know that God takes us through valleys in order for us to learn and see things-- I truly believe that. I have definitely been in one. I also know I am a hard nut. I actually *like* to throw myself into stuff-- too much so really. When I think I have "important" stuff to do, I throw myself head first into it. While I have not been working on design, scrapbooking or writing projects, God has had me quiet and paying more attention to my health and my real life responsibilities that He has entrusted me with. Last week, in the Spring Break tizzy, I threw myself headfirst into housework and creating fun for the boys... um, yeah, pacing yourself does have its value, I am learning... but it also opened my eyes to a lot of things I have been guilty of neglecting when I am busy with those other "important" things.
I always say I crave quiet in this noisy house full of boys, but I am beginning to realize (and sorry if this sounds too "ninja"-- we just saw TMNT with the boys--lol)-- that maybe the quietness I have been looking for is inside me-- not so much in my house. God knows where we need Him and meets us there... even if it takes meeting us in a valley. For me, it has taken not feeling so hot to REALLY and HONESTLY hear Him. I tell myself I am listening, but with a busy mind and spirit, how could I? Even though this past week has been busy and tiring, it has opened my eyes to the fact that this period of "watching the wheels" for me is just a time for me to find the quiet... no matter what is going on around or inside me. It doesn't have to mean anything more than that.
The last couple of days, my mind has been stirring-- fighting that revelation-- trying to think of the "next big thing" to do with myself-- even in the midst of feeling crappy-- especially in the midst of feeling crappy. And I know that what my mind wants to do is not healthy for me. My body can't do it-- not right now. I have a problem of giving myself "dates" by when I will be able to... (do whatever-- fill in the blank)-- but this time, I can't do that. I know I have this rheumatologist appointment in June and so my mind wants to say, "okay-- then after June, you need to jump back into stuff and you gotta have a plan of what you want to do, because then, you'll be able to." But if I am being honest about what it is that I know God is saying to me, then I can't do that.
Maybe it's even more about trusting Him than it is about resting-- maybe it's about patience, maybe it's about recouping-- or maybe it's just about allowing God to heal all that within me, and letting go of the control of it... of having to know what is around every single corner before I get there. Whatever it is, I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round... and who knows-- the answers may just be in what I see as the spokes... If I turn my attentions away, I just might miss them.
OK-- Deep thoughts over for now... hope it made some sense. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 8:27 AM 2 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, April 13, 2007
Music finds... a day late
Sorry-- my first Thursday Music Finds missed... spring break & all, ya know... I'm going on vacation next week when school goes back--lol... whew!
Anyway... I haven't done a solely Christian music post yet, so thought I would today. Andrew and I are going (front row, center I might add--wow!) to the Audio Adrenaline concert next Saturday. This is one of their last ever performances, so it should be amazing. I love this song (below) and what it says... if I can figure out how to do it, I'll post Thomas singing Big House later, too. :)
And a couple more... you may know about these two already, but I like them.
Adie (she is Jeremy Camp's wife-- really like her).
And, Two Empty Chairs... I like their song, There You Go A LOT... speaks to me.
Anyway, all for now, off to tend to Friday. :)
ETA: Think I figured it out. This is from several years ago... recorded in our kitchen. It is our tribute to Audio Adrenaline... by my own little cutie.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: Music finds
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Oh. My. I have a cleaning hang-over...
Ever had one of those? lol I'm tripping over tongued-tied, cleaning hang-over thoughts at the moment. We've had a good couple of days... got Thomas' room done-- and I mean top to bottom, moving furniture to dust and vacuum and throwing bags of stuff out done. What. was. I. thinking? I keep forgetting that my body doesn't want to do these things. But, his room looks awesome! I also dove into the baskets of laundry that never seem to get done. Again... what was I thinking? But, also again, it's looking much better. We're supposed to tackle Ty's room tomorrow... oiy! It would help if I could feel my feet at the end of a day like that... yikes! I am sleeping well though-- that is for sure!
I have discovered my new favorite "home scent"... don't know if that is the right phrase, but you know how everyone's house has its own smell? Well, I have discovered that I love all things "clean linen" scented. Our new "smell" for now... it's a good scent for spring. :) And it is FINALLY a bit warmer here again... going to rain, but at least it's above freezing! YAY!
We took a trip to the library (said in my best British accent-- "liiiibry"):). The kiddos got 8 books between them, and I picked up three-- whoo-hoo... two photography books and a design book. (We also got some ice cream at Bruster's... yum! (If you are a sugar-free eater, too-- try their sugar free caramel swirl... really good!) Trying REALLY hard to get back my creative energy. In the meantime, my organizing brain is going crazy. Just wish it was possible to get my body to follow.
Got other thoughts rattling around up there, but I'll save them, I'm beat... so far a tiring but really good spring break...
Will jump on again soon. :)
Be well,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, April 9, 2007
Gonna be MIA a bit this week...
Spring Break-- whoo-hoo! :)
We're going to do some cleaning and then when cleaning is done, some rewarding-- for the boys, I mean. Starting on Thomas' room today. If we get that done, the library tomorrow... then Ty's room and a movie... and so on, and so on...
I was so sick over Thomas' Christmas vacation, and even though I'm still tired and certainly not "pain-free" now, I can at least give him a better vacation than that was... and, still maybe get some stuff done around the house, too--lol.
So, I'll check in as I can this week-- won't forget my Thursday music post... but, the kiddos will be number one this week. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Music finds
OK, yes, I do so love the BNL... and I've seen a couple of these "bathroom sessions" from their You Tube account-- makes me laugh. We all know how much the acoustics in the bathroom rock!(LOL)... we used to have flute sectional practice in the bathroom in high school... or maybe it was camp (yes, I was a band geek-- choir, too ;)) anyway... I digress...
This BNL song is one of my favorites because Thomas used to sing along with it in the car before he could really get all the words in there. Just makes me smile, so thought I'd share. :)
Gotta also share a "plug" for the Ichthus Music Festival Andrew books for... it's coming in June. You can check out the Ichthus site here.
Ichthus 2007 Festival Promo Video
Add to My Profile | More Videos
On to a few cool "finds" now...
Check out Eric Hutchinson... a cool Stevie Wonder meets acoustic sound.
OK, so these guys are technically friends of Andrew-- they played his stage @ Ichthus last year, have played our church and Andrew went to Nashville when they recorded their new CD... but all that aside, they are awesome! :)
And, lastly... sort of in connection with the acoustics mentioned in the BNL reference above... I just think this video is really cool...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Parenting decisions
Parenting is hard. And, it's so hard to know if you are making the right decisions. Even if you make one decision with one kid, you will have to re-make it again with the next. The things that apply to one kid do not necessarily apply to the other. In my case, that is sooooo much the case. I have two very different kiddos-- think I have mentioned that here before... ;) Thomas is at the stage where more is being expected of him at school... and while he is a super good kid and is very responsible for his age, he has had some trouble with some increased expectations of him at school. This kid has the memory of an elephant-- seriously! He remembers now-- at age 7-- being in diapers. No kidding! But, lately, he has struggled a little with making sure he has all his homework, library book, etc. and I know that has a lot to do with the fact that he is used to being reminded. That has a lot to do with me and knowing how to let go enough to allow him to "mess up" and learn from the consequences. Boy, that is hard! Last week, for the 2nd time in as many weeks, he forgot his homework folder at school. The first time, I was able to call Andrew and Daddy saved the day, bringing it home after work. Last week though, by the time he realized he didn't have his spelling homework, we made him deal with it-- I HATED doing that! I mean I really hated it! But, it was later in the day (so we most likely would not have been able to get back into the school) and Andrew and I both felt like he needed to learn what the consequences of that were... He needs to know that we will not always be able to "save the day" for him. That has been a heartbreaking realization for me. He is growing up and I cannot always "fix" stuff for him. So, we talked about it all and after a few tears (again, heartbreaking!) he came to the realization that he might be able to do some of it the next morning at school... and if not, it was not the end of the world. In the end, he couldn't find it, his card got turned (the consequence) and it was okay. Now, every day since, he has double-checked-- being more responsible about it-- and he has also learned that it is not going to kill him to mess up... a lesson this perfectionist-Mommy definitely sees the value in! :)
So... Tyler... While technically, he will be "old enough" to go to Kindergarten in the Fall, he is just not ready... not so much "academically", but in maturity and socially. I have thought long and hard about this, and the first experience in school shapes the rest... if he is not ready now and we send him, school will never be a good experience for him... he will have trouble trying to succeed at something he is just not ready for... and I want him to enjoy school. Because his birthday is early, he will be much better off to start Kindergarten as a young 6 year old than a young 5 year old.
BUT... he *really* needs to have a preschool experience this fall... While we have and will continue to work on concepts, I really see him needing that group experience before Kindergarten. I've been looking into different programs-- and as a former public school preschool teacher, I feel like I should have more resources to find the right program, but I am having trouble finding something where the time, cost and travel will work for us. I started attending MOPS recently though, so I sent an email asking for suggestions... REALLY hoping to find something that will work. He just really needs it.
So... all of that up there just to say that it is hard being a parent-- lol... you love them, pray, make decisions and pray some more that they are the right ones. That's all you can really do... it's hard, really hard... but that's what prayer and faith is for. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: parenting
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
"Going" to class...
Well-- from the comfort of home anyway...
I've been toying with the idea of photography as a real possibility, so I decided it might be a good idea to take a course to "brush up"... ah, the joys of online classes. And, I even found a freebie to get me started... I'll keep you posted on how it's going and I'm sure I'll be posting some of my assignments here, too.
Meantime, I've been playing around with some free online photo editing programs (again, freebies-- what's better than that?) since the expiration of my PhotoShop 5.0 preview... I'll pull a list together of free sites to post here soon... getting ready to run now...
More later,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, April 2, 2007
Vacs & thoughts
Yep, I am writing about vacuum cleaners... LOL... I feel like this kid who was on the Ellen Show a while back... too cute. :)
I don't have nearly as many vacuums as he does, but I do have 4 in my house now including my mini vac and my new $36.00 Kenmore. :) I know it's really sad to get so excited about a vacuum, but I have really been needing to go back to the bagged type-- better for allergies, dust, etc., and I found this vac on clearance last week... I have almost killed myself vacuuming everything. I may not have the energy, but I definitely have spring (cleaning) fever!
Had my follow up with the Podiatrist this morning and the orthodics are working well for the neuropathy in my right foot, but for some reason I have a lot of nerve-related stuff now in my left foot... she wasn't sure what was going on, but it looks like the Neurontin is here to stay for at least the next 5 months... the good side of the appt. is that the dr. will be "collaborating" with the Rheumaologist I will be seeing in June... finally, some collaboration between doctors. Definitely a good thing.
In other news, Easter is this coming weekend and while it is going to be in the 70's and 80's here today and tomorrow, it will be um... yeah, in the 40's for the highs on Easter! Yuck! While on the subject though... our church will be moved in time for Easter weekend. We bought an old Wal-Mart building and it is huge! They've been working for months to finish it, and this weekend is the big weekend. I'm also looking for some ideas if anyone has any. We go to church on Saturday night instead of Sunday, but I still want to do the "Easter outfit" thing... I have an outfit (one I bought forever ago for CHA), but my big problem is the shoes... I used to be a "clog" girl before the neuropathy... so, I need some closed shoe ideas (so I can use the orthodics)... any ideas for any attractive closed (cheap) shoes that will go with turquoise/teal and beige??
Off to work on bills-- ugh! Hopefully, next time, I will think of more exciting things to share. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff