So I am just popping on before popping off... I have some errands to do this morning and want to take the kids to the library or book store. Hopefully, Tyler will remain calm today. :) I also need to pay some bills and I have GOT to fold some laundry-- it's making me nuts. Exciting times-- LOL.
Tonight is the last night of *this* VBS-- yay! I LOVE what the kids learn at VBS and think it is REALLY important and the kids have had a blast, but I've been limited as to the timing on my trips into town and that has made the days a little tough this week... it's been hard on my "keeping the kids entertained during the daytime" plans. So, next week should be back to normal for the most part... I have an appointment, Tyler has his check up and we have the 4th of July, but at least we don't have any set thing in the evening, so that helps. We have our VBS at the end of July, so that is a good space out for them, too. :)
K... have gone on long enough now about nothing--LOL... gotta get going...
Friday, June 29, 2007
lots to do today
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, June 28, 2007
music finds (comedy edition)
Got the grumps today, so I thought this would be good for laughs...
Have you seen Flight of the Conchords?
This is the "outtake" version of Weird Al's White n Nerdy-- Donny just makes me laugh in this! :)
And... my favorite Dana Carvey moment from SNL...
tomorrow is another day...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
more than $400 later...
So far, and total between 3 visits, I am on the other side of the bulk of my root canal... whoo hoo! Today was the most extensive step and so far, I'm feeling much better about this step. Last time, I could feel swelling in my gums above the tooth before I even left the office, so it didn't really shock me when I had more trouble. This time, though, so far, so good. It seemed very thorough and I am happy he is taking his time making sure it's ready before we move to the next step. I am so happy to have that visit over and done. He'll be filling it at the end of July, and then I hope to be home free. :)
In other events this week, the kids are attending VBS at our old church (still my MIL's church) and they are really having a good time! I had to get them up really early this morning (because of my appt. at the dentist), so Tyler is a little... um, out of control. He is finally calming down some though. He'll be tired tonight I bet! The theme of this VBS is cowboys (translation from Tyler is something like "cy-boys"), so Tyler has decided he wants cowboy boots, a hat and a neckerchief. That kid kills me. Ty, the cy-boy. Oiy!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
public service announcement
When the kids are having a popsicle and they have sugar in them and you want something sweet, but you don't eat sugar, and you're not going to the grocery store until the end of the week and there's nothing sweet that is sugar-free left in the house, but there is a box of sugar-free, fat-free vanilla icecream in the freezer, but you're not sure how long it's been there... don't chance it... take my word for it, just don't. YUCK!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, June 25, 2007
nervous energy... trying to rid myself of it
Do you ever get this for no specific reason? I hate it, but I've got it. Honestly, I think it is a combination of things... I have my 2nd appointment for the root canal on Wednesday (that's enough to make me a basket case); then in July, I have a staff meeting and will be moving stuff into my classroom as soon as they finish it (since it's in the new building, the classrooms are not done yet). I have an appt. with an immunologist/allergist, a new GP/holistic dr., and the follow up with the rheumatologist. I also made Tyler's check-up appt. for school this morning and that is right after the 4th of July. Then, Tyler has his 5th birthday at the end of the month. And, I'm sure there are a million other things...
The trick to all this is not getting caught up in the control of it. I think a little nervous energy is probably okay under the circumstances, but I need to remember that I am not in control of any of it. I have a tendency to try and figure things out, control them, etc., and I need to remember that it's all in God's hands, not mine. It's easier said than done sometimes, but I am really, really trying. One day at a time...
... it popped into my head and I just couldn't resist. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Time flies... Music finds
Um, yeah, sorry-- where have I been? It's Thursday! Summer is c-razy! Lots to do with the kiddos and catching up on some stuff I'm behind on. Where does the time go? Today I decided I need to breathe a little... starting to feel a little stressed, and that's no good. Going to a dinner tonight with Andrew as an Ichthus wrap-up thing. It will be a fun date I hope. :)
So... before I run off to the next thing... here are a few finds for the week:
WOW-- check out her voice! Abbi Walker
Like them, too: Fighting Instinct
And, very cool blues sound here: Jimmy Needham
See you tomorrow,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Monday, June 18, 2007
Lots of changes underway here these days...
I mentioned a possible job opportunity a few days ago. Well, it looks like I'll be returning to the classroom in the fall. I'll be teaching Kindergarten at the private Christian school where Tyler will also be attending preschool. It also just so happens to be located at our church, so very familiar surroundings all around. :) The school has been in operation for a few years now and it will be nice to teach in a Christian classroom-- and also nice that it will be a small class size since it's a private school. Kindergarten will be a whole new thing. I have to admit, I am kinda nervous... just because it's been so long and Tyler will be in all day preschool now. Just nervous about how he'll take to that... he's not the most "easy" child with new things. I'm happy that I will be at home when the kids are and if I really want to work on anything design/writing related, I still can, so that is good. I'm still writing for Scrapbook Business magazine, and since that is bi-monthly, that should still be okay, too.
On other "change" fronts... Andrew shaved off his mustache and most of his beard! Gasp! lol... It's just been so long since I saw his smooth face, it's just going to take me a while to get reacquainted with it. :) Someone also broke his glasses at Ichthus (mosh pit-- ugh!-- lol), so when he gets home with his new glasses, I might not recognize him.
Life is full of changes, huh? I actually went to the interview for this job on the day the truck trailer hit me. I was on my way to the interview when it happened. It has definitely been an interesting summer thus far.
Oh-- and I need to mention, too... gotta really cool t-shirt from Two Empty Chairs who were at Ichthus. :) Love it and can't wait to steal their CD from Andrew. :)
Getting to be dinner time now... off I go...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Music Finds... Ichthus
In honor of what Andrew is up to this week...
Ichthus 2007 Festival Promo Video
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This video is mostly made for promotional purposes and so it's not all on there. There is an incredible worship service on Saturday evening, there are lots of speakers, too. What the video shows is mostly the popular/edgier bands, but there is seriously something there for everyone... if you have the opportunity to go, you should! The music is great, the worship is great and there are people there of all ages, cultures, denominations-- it really is an amazing experience!
You can check out the schedule of events here. Andrew manages the Edge Stage. Two Empty Chairs (one of the bands I posted in music finds previously) will be on Andrew's stage on Saturday at 12:05 pm... look for them on the schedule. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
So I was supposed to have an interview this coming Friday at 3-- just got the email and then at around lunch time, they called to ask if I could come at 3 TODAY because they had a cancellation. So, I said I could and started getting ready. I am a person that likes to prepare a lot-- so this for me was way out of character, but I am trying really hard to let control go as I mentioned-- so this was good for me.
On the way into town, a truck with a trailer on it fishtailed and was headed straight for us (had the kids with me). We went down into a little ditch and came back out. I thought we had avoided being hit, but then I heard a pop. I fully expected to see a crushed side when I got out. But, there was no dent or scratch on the paint, just a totally busted tire. Praise God for his guiding hand and safety. The kids were with me and I am so thankful they were okay-- I cannot even put that into words!
SO... I ended up making it to my interview half an hour late, and it went really well. I'll hopefully hear something soon and will post more when I do. The funny thing is, especially after all the things that happened today-- whatever happens with the job is totally fine with me. I know however it goes, it's God's will and that is more than okay with me. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:31 PM 2 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Monday, June 11, 2007
murphy's law
I, by nature, have been one of those people who has believed in Murphy's Law-- you know, the adage that says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong? Well, my faith tells me that that is not the way to think, so I have been really work to taking blessings for what they are and be thankful for them. I also have this thing about me that when things are going decently, I feel the need to duck and cover. I hate it. I really want to be an optimist. I really want to enjoy the moment for the moment. And, I know that God wants me to receive His grace thankfully even though I am not worthy of it... I know that is part of why it's "grace". So, I've been working on all that. I had an awesome day with the boys. We put got the pool all straightened out-- it's perfect-- had a blast. Took them to the library this morning and picked up some pool stuff before we came home to swim a couple of hours.
Last week, I made it okay to the appointments I needed to and finished up on my application stuff I needed to over the weekend. I've been tired (from being busy) but have been feeling a bit better and have settled in to the idea of a nice summer. So, I got very um, annoyed, this afternoon when some things came back to bite me that I just knew were going to... and really-- in the wide scheme of things, it's not a huge deal. But, you know that feeling when some things happen too easily-- well, sometimes, they are in the middle of something hard, but there are parts that are too easy (make any sense? lol) and you know that there's something that's going to come back bad or wrong out of it later? Well, that's it... and I think that is part of the whole "Murphy's Law" thing. Darn it, how am I supposed to become an optimist when this stuff happens? Sheesh... lol...
I know the answer... really, I do... it's in God's hands. It really is. Even knowing that, as a human, I just had to vent--lol. So, pray for me that I'll remember that God is way bigger than Murphy's or anyone else's law because I know that is what He desires of me. And, I so want to do and live what I know I should. :) K... vent over, just had to ramble on and on just for myself. Now, back to a pleasant summer.:)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, June 8, 2007
100 lives
Brain freeze-- that's the thing today. Drives me nuts. I'm sort-of in this mode where I get stuck on one thing and before I know it, the whole day is about gone. Anybody else do that? It's a lot like the times when you have lots to do but all you can seem to do is sit and stare-- hard to motivate yourself out of the spot you're in. The only difference with this brain freeze is that I am actually working on something, but I have a lot of other things needing my attention, too, but I can't get from one thing to another.
OK-- here's my deep thought for the day... cats have nothing on me... I think I must have at least 100 lives. I'm not saying that I am using mine up in the same way that cats do (ha) or that I'm going to start talking to myself :p, I just have been looking back at places I've been and places I'm going and it's just amazing to me how many things you can do and be in 30-some years. What dragged me in this brainfreeze/time warp thing was that I have been pulling some papers and contact lists together from one of my previous lives. (No, I also don't believe in reincarnation--lol)-- I am just talking about my life pre writing/scrapbooking/designing... It felt strange-- almost like looking through someone else's papers. I guess I really am this old and that much time has passed. There was a ton of stuff I had done that somehow I had completely forgotten about-- and people I had forgotten about. I called one of my former contacts from teaching and we talked for a while. She seemed kind-of the same as I remembered her, but I felt like I was a stranger while talking to her... just an odd day... I'm sure none of this makes much sense--lol... sorry...
Just a lot of thoughts rattling around and I'm wondering if it's possible to become a person again that you had forgotten that you were at one time... I'm this "done, move on" kind of person generally speaking. I'm just wondering if it's possible to re-visit some of the 100 lives?
K... deep thoughts over. I'm sure I'll read this later and it won't make any sense even to me... oiy!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Deep thoughts
Thursday, June 7, 2007
is it thursday again? (music finds, etc)
How'd that happen? Crazy.
Quick re-cap of things before the music...
Went back to the dentist-- it ended up being more infection (yuck!), so I am indeed on more antibiotic... hoping that's it. FINALLY had the rheumatology appt. today. Went well, more needles and tests-- really feel like we're finally going the right way. She also referred me to an immunologist to come at it from both directions. If it ends up being arthritis brought on by bacteria, then that will help. Meantime, rescheduled my integrative med. appt. until I get the results back. Finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with this.
Waiting to chat more with the people on the possible job development... will post when I can if that comes together.
And... going to a baseball game tonight (if I can stay awake that long--lol)... the boys should enjoy it if the wind will die down some. ;) It's a company outing, so meeting Andrew back in Lex. later-- what a long day!
So, on to the music...
Check these out:
Tony Lucca
Josh Kelley (you probably recognize at least one of his songs-- like him. :) )
Keaton Simons
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Music finds
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
It appears that I have a pus pocket above my tooth that I had the pulp removed from on Monday. UGH! So, I called the dentist first thing this morning and he wants me to come in this afternoon so he can look at it, but I can't get in until 2. I am so way beyond frustrated with this-- not feeling too good either. I'll be taking the kids with me, hopefully they can just sit quietly in the waiting room, he'll look at it quickly and just prescribe me another antibiotic until I go back for the next "cleaning out". I'm not happy about another antibiotic, but this pocket is a lot higher than the last and I cannot risk another full blown infection, especially if it is higher. I really, really, really, really hope he doesn't want to drain it-- that would be a whole other thing...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
crazy days & pictures
We are officially in the craziness of summer... I know it's not officially summer just yet, but "the lazy days of summer" just doesn't ever seem to fit anymore.
To re-cap the last week and fast forward through the next few days...
We did end up finding a pool, Andrew worked for hours leveling the dirt off for it and filling it, it didn't seem level, we decided to go ahead and get in just once before we re-do it to get it level, two of us got in, the water spilled over the wall and that was that for now. We have to re-do it anyway, and the kids didn't seem to care, but it kind-of stunk that Andrew put so much hard work into it for so long... I guess it's like wall-papering (or anything else) the first time is never the best. While Andrew worked on the dirt, the boys had a great time playing in it... Tyler is a dirt magnet, but Thomas generally hates getting dirty-- so this was a photo treat for me. :) I love the way Tyler is looking at Thomas with so much admiration, too. I love my boys!
Moving along through the weekend, we had Thomas' party at a nearby school playground on Sunday (a great place to have a party if they have an outside picnic area like this one does. You don't have to share the playground with anyone and there's plenty of shade). We had a really good time... even the adults. :)
This is my crazy BIL hanging out on the playground. :)
It is so hard for me to believe that I have an 8 year old-- how the heck did that happen anyway?? He is so sweet and wise beyond his years, too. The other day he told me that he felt like his life was a dream because it was so good. What else can you hope for for your children? He makes my heart sing, this boy!
And, just because I want to throw this one in 'cause I love this "non-cowboy" man in his cowboy hat...
On to yesterday-- Thomas' actual birthday... I had the first of 3 appointments of my root canal. It wasn't so bad, but I started having pain last night and still have some and some swelling, but all in all, not as bad as I thought it would be... Then we got one last present (a sonic plug and play game) and then ate fresh for lunch (subway) with Andrew. Came home and played a bit-- I am BEAT. Thursday, I have my appointment at the rheumatologist and I have another appt. Monday with an integrative med. dr. I won't have my 2nd root canal appt. until the 27th. Cannot wait to get this all over with... ugh!
I also have the possibility of a teaching job in the fall. It's Kindergarten. I'm praying about it and trying to wrap my brain around the possibility before I write too much about it-- plus, I need to talk more with them-- but I already have the application in hand.
Lots to think and pray about-- if you have a list, please add me to it. :) If you need me to add you to mine, I'd be more than happy to return the favor... just ask. And, while on the subject, a dear friend's dad (Michelle's dad) was just diagnosed with ALS-- please keep them in your prayers.
Lots to work on and I've rambled on enough.
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff