and reading, and reading and writing. My new job has inspired me to devour books again, LOL... and that only causes the domino effect... so I am writing... a book... not an idea book... that's all I will say right now as it's all still freshly pouring from my brain... and I have to go to work now...
More later. Hope everyone is well!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I am writing...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: writing
Friday, September 19, 2008
I am still alive. Seriously. This place is so neglected... and dark... and I will get to the changes I said I was making here. I shot the photos and then got sidetracked, and well you know that means I ended up de-railed altogether, LOL.
Anyway, work is good and seems I have two jobs now... one for Andrew... I will explain all that soon. No time now. Off to work in a bit. Just wanted to pop in and wave my hands a little. I will return, seriously, I will. Lots to say and post, just been working on a bunch of little things that add up to a lot.
In the meantime, please go check out CrossGig again and let me know what you think. There's a lot more there now and specifically, let me know what you see at the top. We've been working on the size of the header and I am wondering what you see on your computer. My laptop is configured small and so I had to shrink some things for others. If you wouldn't mind, let me know what your computer shows you. :)
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: CrossGig, everyday schtuff
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
still adjusting...
but loving the new job... been working on things with Andrew, too, so still haven't gotten to my new header, etc. here, but will. Just wanted to say I am around but scarce right now. More to update but wipeout is coming on and the boys await, LOL. Will be back soon with the rest...
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm changing the blog again... even working on a new header... gasp! I know, I have had that header the entire life of this blog, but I got inspired to make a new one yesterday while I was making a header for the new...
da-da-da-da... CrossGig
Please click that link up there! :)
This is the project Andrew has been working so hard on that I have been hinting around about all this time... They are launching with the blog and leading into a website that is going to be amazing for independent Christian bands! It is going to be a huge resource for independent bands and venues-- we are super excited about it! Check the CrossGig blog for more information and updates about the upcoming site!
As for my header... I'm excited for the change. I think it's symbolic of how I feel right now. It's an exciting time and such a huge time of blessing for me. I went to the gym this morning-- another shock, I know... I walked the track alone and decided that is a good time to listen to God. I struggle with understanding all of these blessings He continues to give me. I am so not worthy. I am continually amazed at the power of Grace.
Anyway, I am rambling, LOL. Gonna get some work done and I'll get my new header up soon, too.
Blessings and grace,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big News
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A lesson from Tyler
He got one stamp on his paper instead of two because he colored something blue that was supposed to be black, LOL. Then, he got himself really upset (I think partially because he was embarrassed about his reaction), and I guess he must have been hyperventilating because he told the teacher he was having trouble breathing and that it must be his asthma and he is allergic to school (his asthma is mild and it doesn't impact his breathing-- he was using it). Poor baby. Andrew was still on his way home from dropping them off at school when the call came in from school, so I called him and he turned around to console him. It was hard for me not to go be Mommy, but I know he would have had another melt-down just for my benefit BECAUSE I am Mommy We both went back to pick them up at the end of the day, and of course he was totally fine. He is so hard on himself, and I am afraid, a little perfectionist like his mother is prone to be... I have been working on him not to be so hard on himself, and then this today... I told him that the number of stamps he has on his paper is not the point-- the point is that he tries his best. And, we talked about the fact that he is kindergarten to learn and that GOD is the only perfection there is or ever will be. He seems much better now.
See what modeled perfectionism can do to a kid? This just reinforces the fact that I need to continue to strive toward that Mary example I want and need to be for my kids. I know that I am more "Mary" these days, but it will take some time to change that in the eyes of those around me. Thank God for the lessons and reminders that He brings through our children!
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: everyday schtuff, family schtuff, parenting
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I have a new job!
It's official... I start next Monday-- at the public library (in the capital city) in the children's department! I am really excited-- 23 hours a week, still working with kids without the long days and planning. I'm hoping to use my creative skills a bit, but not be so stressed out or exhausted. :)
Yay! I really feel like this is the plan God had in mind for me for this season; I really do... and it leaves me open enough to help out as I am needed in other places... and maybe even snap a photo or two. I have big hopes and am so thankful! :)
Off to dinner,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big News
today I will have some news
but, I can't post it just yet... but, I will when I can. Gotta get the final details settled. I also have a lot of photos I want to post from the concert we went to on Friday. It was a really good concert and it was so nice to "get away" even just for an evening. We bought these tickets so long ago, it felt like it would never come, and now, it's over... but, it was so good!
Andrew is in Lex for a bit working. We're still in limbo a bit, but getting closer.
When I have something to share, I'll be back.
Have a good day,
Posted by R. Lynn Baker at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big News, everyday schtuff