Thursday, February 15, 2007


I really wasn't expecting anything for Valentine's Day... but Andrew still surprises me. :) He actually called me before he got home and said he bumped into Thomas' teacher in Hallmark, so I figured he probably just picked up a card-- maybe a candle. For those of you who are in Kentucky, you know Paul Sawyier most likely... one of Kentucky's most famous artists. Well, back before the kids were born, Andrew had given me a couple of prints... one hangs over our fireplace--"Journey Home"-- and it has always been really sentimental for me-- he bought it during the time we lived away from home and family. (Sorry for the glare)-- but the painting is a traveler walking down a dirt path home.

Well, it's been years since I have gotten any of his prints, or for that matter, *anything* that is just something to appreciate for its beauty... so, for Valentine's Day, he picked up this small Sawyier print for me:
It's of a man and a woman taking a stroll close together in the snow (appropriately titled , "Winter Stroll"). It made me cry-- just the thought of the two of us walking together in the snow... I miss us sometimes when we get bogged down with life. I LOVE, love, love my kiddos, but there's just not much time for "just us" most of the time. I couldn't tell you the last time we went on an actual "date"... but this gift gave me a glimpse of what it will be like when it comes back to being just us one day. And, I know I need to enjoy the time we have with the kids while they are small-- it only happens once. So, we can look forward to the stroll in the snow one day. :) And, maybe by then, I'll be able to stroll a little better than I can now anyway.

For Andrew's Valentine's day present, I let him order a magazine--lol... AND, I made him a layout telling him all the things I know I don't tell him enough.
Things I HOPE he knows, but I know he still needs to hear them. He is still my best friend-- after 18 Valentine's Days together, he's still my funny Valentine. :)