Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I scrapped...

... but I can't post it here--lol... I'll explain sometime. The point is, I did scrap and it was almost fun. :) So, maybe more sometime soon. I've been planning to get some photos enlarged for the walls and now just need to get started on that. I never used to have trouble "getting started" with creative things, but I just must be in some other place these days.

Something completely unrelated and very interesting I stumbled across... have you heard of expertvillage.com? I just found it-- how cool! You can learn everything from how to put makeup on correctly, to how to start your own puppet business, to changing a transmission here... and everything in between! I haven't looked around much, but it looks like there are video tutorials on almost anything you can think of! Very cool.

And... just because I think this post needs a picture...

You might have seen this sidewalk artist before, but if you haven't, check out all of his work here-- just amazing!! This is just one example-- really-- AMAZING! The whole scene is actually on the sidewalk. How does he do it??