Wednesday, July 18, 2007

birthday plans

Nothing ever seems to go right in this area of life... I called around for days and finally was able to reserve a room at our local DQ for Tyler's birthday. I left my name and number and reserved it for the night of his birthday next week. We drove in today to pick/order a cake and although I knew they were doing some re-modeling, I had NO idea how much-- especially since they allowed me to reserve the room. Um, let's just say that the regular dining area is completely closed and the walls of the room we were supposed to use have basically been torn out. I almost cried. The girl there said her manager had a death in the family and is away, and she had no idea they were ripping the room out until they did it today.


I drove to Kroger and ordered the original cake he wanted... for the same day... just have no idea where we are going to eat it. :(


Anonymous said...

Just make sure it's not going to be 90 degree's outside! lol! Can you believe this weather?!

R. Lynn Baker said...

I know-- ugh! That was why I wanted to have it indoors, but since we're going to do it in the evening and it is *supposed* to be cooler after these storms come through today, I'm hoping we'll be okay. I'll send you an email in a bit to let you know the plans. :)