Friday, July 27, 2007

the thunder rolls...

First thing this morning, we had a little rumbling rain roll through and it made me think of that song by Garth Brooks, so I decided to look for the video, and stumlbed across this performance by a group at Harvard... how cool is this?! (Keep watching it... it gets better-- very cool!)

Sorry... guess I'm showing my music-geekness... I loved singing in choir... miss it.

Got my test results in the mail... a bunch of gobily-gook. I'll have to wait until my appt. on Tuesday, but as far as I can decipher it's a T-cell problem.

Back to the arguing kids now...


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what a T-cell is. Is this good or bad?

R. Lynn Baker said...

T cells are part of your body's immune cells. You have alpha beta T-cells and gamma delta T-cells, and as far as I can deduce from what is in the test results, my gamma delta T-cells are low. They list "Hypogammaglobulinemia" at the bottom, so I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I guess I'll find out next Tuesday... My ANA (anti-nuclear antibodies) was positive, too, but everything else was normal.