Friday, September 7, 2007


It's been another week and this afternoon I am emotional. We had the staff retreat today at school. It was quick (didn't feel a thing like 5 hours). I have been so busy just trying to get things done-- not much time to think before now. I have struggled with trying to figure out how to make it all fit since going back and have been sleep deprived--LOL, so not a lot of deep thinking time, kwim? Anyway, I do think God is taking me on a journey He has in mind for me... I just keep praying that He will help me pull myself together. Does that make sense? I am just busy 24 hours a day and can't seem to find a place to trim it down to make it "fit" better. That is where my struggle is. And, then there's the physical tiredness.

I got a return call from my doc. late this afternoon on the way home. My zinc and thyroid tests, as well as the secondary antibody test all came back okay. He explained to me a bit more that what I have doesn't have a "diagnosis" at this point, just a "description" if that makes sense. We know I have the t-cell problem, but not why... we know I am CMV negative (so gotta be careful) and that I am prone to infections. We know what I don't have. We know that I would need leukocyte poor blood products if I ever needed them... that's about all we do know. Got an appointment with him over fall break, so I guess it goes from there... ah, the thought of fall break... minus the appointment, I am counting the days to sleep. :) The boys will be another thing that week. They are on an arguing kick right now... wearing me out. I actually cried on my way home because I was so upset with their behavior... which takes me back to the "emotional" thing I started with. I think I would cry over a telephone commercial right now--lol. Remember those? I'd leave you with one if I could dig one up... I'll go look, but probably won't watch it lest I burst into tears. oiy!
