Thursday, March 15, 2007

Posting from the other side...

...of my big doctor's appointment.

I don't have all the answers yet, but I do feel a little relieved... the Infectious Diseases dr. feels that the Aspergillus Niger results were most likely contaminated results from the lab (apparently, it is a common lab contaminant). I called the GP's office today to see if there were any notes from the lab about the culture and the nurse didn't see any about where the Aspergillus was found on the culture plate... and it's most likely too late to find out now if it was not noted earlier, but I am still waiting to talk with my GP again. If that is true, that means two things... the good: I don't have Aspergillus Niger; the bad: we still don't know what is causing my infection symptoms.

However... the I.D. dr. ran more bloodwork for C Reactive Protein and several other things. The CRP test shows inflammation levels in the body-- so this would point out possible RA, vasculitis, ongoing purpura, etc. This could finally get us somewhere. It could take up to another 4 weeks to get the results, but this is at least the right direction. She also feels I should see a rheumatologist. As far as the neuropathy in my foot-- the shots, surgery, whatever has to wait until we know what is going on for sure. At least the inserts in my shoes are helping for now.

In other realms of life... we have gone from weather in the 70s to the 40s... and it is gray... really gray. Emeril (our dog) is not a happy camper.

He has gotten spoiled with the pretty weather and he is stuck indoors, poor pup... he's just like a pouting kid. Only difference-- something you can't appreciate from the pics-- his non-stop whimpering. He just wants me to turn the sun on and make it warm... not too much to ask; huh?

Gotta list of things to try to do today and at least remembered to put the chicken in the crockpot this time--lol. If I have time, I hope to add some music finds later...

Thanks for continued prayers! If I can lift any for you-- don't hesitate to ask!