Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Apparently, I need a giant suitcase...

Anybody got any simpler ideas to clear out the sinuses than this? ;) It's in my teeth... trying nasal spray, sudafed, guaifen, aleve, it's not working fast enough. Any tried and true suggestions?? Don't think they make suitcases that big anymore--lol.



Anonymous said...

Went to the doc and he gave us Azithromyci. Got to kill it! And also, Crantex. It's got Guaifenesin and Phenylephrine in it. It's for congestion and drainage. Wow, it really clears your head!

You really should go see a doc and get some relief! I hope you get feeling better soon!


R. Lynn Baker said...

Thanks, Shannon!

I went to the dr. last Wed. and I'm still hanging on to some kind of blockage in my face... just horrible! I don't know what I'm going to do. I have moments of "improvement", but I want it gone! How are you guys feeling?
