Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some good news...

Tyler is going to start preschool in the fall! I did some digging around and yay! there was one spot left in the preschool (which is part of a private Christian school) at our church. He'll only go two days a week... but, this is such a blessing! I have been thinking and praying for a way to make it work, and with it being a two day a week program, it's actually the absolute best way! I won't have to do near the driving as if it were 4 or 5 and it will break him in slowly. (Not to mention the cost of the 4 day a week program wouldn't work-- YIKES!) Anyway, this is a big answer to prayer and will prepare him for Kindergarten, get him used to the group situation and being with kids his age more... and all in familiar surroundings... he REALLY needs this! We'll still be able to work on things together at home, too, the other 3 days a week he is home. I think this will be so good! I was really worried about what we were going to do with him not starting Kindergarten yet... so I am so happy about this! His registration form is all filled out and mailed in as of an hour ago. :)

So, that is the news for today... with everything going on in the world right now, some happy thoughts are definitely a good thing. :)
