Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Oh. My. I have a cleaning hang-over...

Ever had one of those? lol I'm tripping over tongued-tied, cleaning hang-over thoughts at the moment. We've had a good couple of days... got Thomas' room done-- and I mean top to bottom, moving furniture to dust and vacuum and throwing bags of stuff out done. What. was. I. thinking? I keep forgetting that my body doesn't want to do these things. But, his room looks awesome! I also dove into the baskets of laundry that never seem to get done. Again... what was I thinking? But, also again, it's looking much better. We're supposed to tackle Ty's room tomorrow... oiy! It would help if I could feel my feet at the end of a day like that... yikes! I am sleeping well though-- that is for sure!

I have discovered my new favorite "home scent"... don't know if that is the right phrase, but you know how everyone's house has its own smell? Well, I have discovered that I love all things "clean linen" scented. Our new "smell" for now... it's a good scent for spring. :) And it is FINALLY a bit warmer here again... going to rain, but at least it's above freezing! YAY!

We took a trip to the library (said in my best British accent-- "liiiibry"):). The kiddos got 8 books between them, and I picked up three-- whoo-hoo... two photography books and a design book. (We also got some ice cream at Bruster's... yum! (If you are a sugar-free eater, too-- try their sugar free caramel swirl... really good!) Trying REALLY hard to get back my creative energy. In the meantime, my organizing brain is going crazy. Just wish it was possible to get my body to follow.

Got other thoughts rattling around up there, but I'll save them, I'm beat... so far a tiring but really good spring break...

Will jump on again soon. :)

Be well,