Tuesday, August 7, 2007

no title comes to mind

I'm feeling at a loss for words today although I have a lot of thoughts. Last night's orientation was chaotic, but good. It was good to meet my students... they are all adorable! I'll have 11-- and I didn't get to meet two of them-- one is out of town and the other left word that they would have to come by and pick everything up sometime this week. Our rooms are supposed to be getting painted today, so I have a day off... whew... I couldn't sleep last night between being too tired and the internal heat going on from this med. I'm on. The outdoor heat is bad enough... it's supposed to be 96 today and 97 tomorrow... YIKES!

Tonight is Tyler's orientation-- I haven't had much time to think about it, but I am excited for him. :) This will make it more real to him I think. I hope the familiar surroundings will be a good thing. I'm looking forward to being on the parent side of the table tonight. Thomas was so excited after his last night-- he has the same teacher from last year and many of the same kids in his class. I am so glad he loves school so much and hope Tyler will, too!

On a very sad note... I sat down to check my email last night after the long day and found out that a fellow-scrapbooker and someone I knew through DesignerZine and other boards passed away suddenly... just shocking. She was only 48 and has two boys. She had such a quick sense of humor and was just one of those people who was so full of life. It is just so hard to believe she is gone. Life is so short and so fast... just have no other words... I'll be thinking of you, Alleen.
