Friday, January 25, 2008

begin where you are, but do not stay there...

I think that's right-- it might be a paraphrase, but it is the devotional reading on my desk calendar today. I actually read it yesterday, as I was flipping to get to the right day. Interesting... and then, this afternoon, I was talking to a parent who is looking into a career change, and she was talking about doing something totally different than what she has been doing, but still something that would relate to her experiences. I heard myself saying things about the seasons of your life and just because God is calling you to do one thing for a particular season, doesn't mean that you will always be called to do it. We all have different seasons of callings I think and God puts them together to make sense down the road. It's easy to give that advice and I firmly do believe it... I'm just antsy myself right now I guess.

Andrew had a great day at work today and things are looking really promising for him. It is so awesome to see him so excited. :)

Hm... no pictures or videos in this one... I'll have to add something to change that in a bit.

ETA: Okay, stumbled on something interesting... have you heard of ideablob? Interesting concept for people to enter their ideas for a contest for money to fund their idea... I like their promo piece (below), but wonder if the people entering are actually trademarking some of these things before they offer them up to the free-world on there. Been there, understand that. ;)