Sunday, January 20, 2008

thirty-five, dancing and supernatural stuff

I've had several things I wanted to post this week, but report cards took over, so I am just now here... I am now (well, officially in a couple of hours)-- 35. I didn't think I looked my age until one of the kiddos in my class brought in a picture from Christmas-- um, yeah, I look my age. Sigh... guess not much more to say about that except that I miss the days when you counted down the days until your birthday and had slumber parties... I fell asleep in a chair last night at 11:00. Gotta laugh I guess. The positive side is that I have made the realization that it really doesn't matter how old you are, you can still re-invent yourself, start something new, turn a new leaf, etc. Getting older makes you realize that the things in your life are but a season until the next, so that part of getting older is okay.

Anyway... on to Dancing with the Stars... it was cool... makes you want to learn to dance (and have feet that could). They are just amazing! Can you believe I didn't get one picture? I took my camera out of the camera bag, put it in my purse and then when I took it out to take a picture, my batteries were dead... extra batteries in my camera bag in the car, of course. That was just as well though, as the security people were being pretty bossy about the "no flash photography" rule. This one guy stood in front of me yelling at a girl behind me threatening to throw here out if she took one more picture. Not a real nice way to treat people who paid that much for a ticket to see the show. Understandable for safety reasons not to allow flash, but not from those seats-- we weren't at the tables on the floor after all. So, anyway, got to see Drew and Cheryl-- they were the best-- and then Monique was there, too-- her calf muscles are scary! Wayne Newton sang Danke Schön-- and we didn't have to go to Vegas to hear it. ;) It was lots of fun! The next day, I took my personal day and even got to go have lunch with Andrew, which was really nice. :)

On to the supernatural...

On Thursday night, Tyler and I came home in the dark, while Andrew and Thomas were at scouts. We came in, got settled, and then I noticed that the barometer from behind my desk was sitting upside down in my computer chair, propped on a pillow. Now, there is no way that our dog could have done it-- there is not a scratch on the thing. Not only that, but I have three lamps in the line of fire-- two are on my desk, and one is a floor lamp... and the chair was at least four feet away from the wall. Just as a visual (please forgive the mess)...

Now, I thought, well maybe the floor lamp hit the bottom somehow, but that would have caused it to break-- and it would never had landed where it was, not to mention the lamps would show signs... AND, it was upside down, but face up on the pillow (see the read pillow in the chair)... and look at that distance and all the messy obstacles between the barometer and the chair (why I left the mess for you to see in the pics)... I just have no explanation at all-- makes no scientific or mathematical sense, no matter how I look at it. So, just chalking it up as one of those weird things that never make sense... just creepy...

We're going for family lunch today for my birthday and then I have an extra day off for MLK day tomorrow! Gotta get some more work done, but at least the report cards are behind me. :)

OH-- and Andrew is still in the midst of working out those cool things at work. Prayers still very much appreciated. ;) (sorry if that is clear as mud, but thanks for prayers--LOL).
