Friday, April 25, 2008


this week is FINALLY over! Good grief, this was one long week! I'm finally feeling better-- just have the things I have all but grown accustomed to at this point. I mentioned yesterday that I got an earlier appointment with a neurologist at last. I find it interesting that my GP was able to get an appointment for less than a week away, while the Integrative dr. had made one for me that was going to be TWO MONTHS away. Makes me wonder if they take her seriously, ya know? Anyway, I will be so glad to have that over with! Normally, I would probably just be happy with ruling some things out that have me worried, but this has been going on for so long, that I REALLY want an actual ANSWER, so I hope something will point us in the right direction. I'm really tired of this.

The Integrative dr. gave me some immune building stuff, vitamin B complex and fish oil capsules. I started getting my symptoms of a yeast infection again, so I quit taking them. I don't want to not do what I need to do, but you know, when one of the primary problems returns that quickly, it makes you wonder why you're taking something... I just want *something* to work...

Anyway, Andrew put tons of pictures up from his week at GMA (Gospel Music Association week-- this is what is part of the Dove Awards)... go check them out here on his Youth Roots Music site. He sent me a pic on my cell phone of him with David Crowder, but I can't manage to emil it to myself... my phone is not THAT high-tech... his on the other hand-- I'll see if he can email it to me and try to post it if he'll let me. :)

School has been tiring and dramatic... with kids and other "issues"... Did I mention I am so happy for the weekend? LOL

Thomas has his pinewood derby COUNCIL race tomorrow! He won't be racing, but competing in creative design-- it would be SOOOO awesome if he won-- I am hoping he has a good chance! :)

Anyway, think I am going to jump in the shower. It's been 80 degrees here for a few days and I'm feeling stinky-- LOL-- have a good weekend-- hope it's as long as the week was. :)