Friday, April 4, 2008

we had a blast yesterday

We knew the rain was coming, so the boys and I jumped in the car to return some movies, some library books, pay some bills, get dog food, you know, a mountain of errands... we were trying to beat the rain. Well, I am so consumed with my camera these days, that I thought I'd just take it and maybe if the rain held off long enough, we'd stop at this little historical park area and take a few pictures. It was sprinkling lightly, but we did make it in time... with umbrella in hand, we spent a long time at this little park and discovered a few little local treasures that we drive past every day, but don't pay attention to. So, this spurred us on to find more... we drove around town and every time we noticed something cool we hadn't noticed before, we jumped out of the car and took pictures, all the while dodging sprinkles with our tiny little umbrella. It was a blast! The boys loved the history they found and getting to see things closely that they usually just drive past... I totally think we should all do this from time to time. It was the best day!

And, here are a few shots I got (um, I took 150 pictures yesterday... yikes!)... more will be on my photo blog-- as soon as I get all the editing done. :)

ETA: Apparently, embedding from the new Adobe makes the pics "un-clickable"... I will put pics up on my photo blog that are (so they will enlarge).

(They were putting on their "cool" faces-- LOL).

(Trying to look "cool" again... this reminds me of the old farm couple with the pitchfork, LOL.)