Monday, July 14, 2008

Ophthalmic (Eye) Migraines (7/14/08)

I am seriously going to get those pictures up, really, I am, lol, but we have just had a busy week with Andrew home on vacation and I have gotten seriously sidetracked by a few things already this morning.

I feel like I am having a series of "aha" moments... it is such a strange, strange feeling. I feel like I have spent the last three years (plus) looking for a multitude of answers, and they are one by one being revealed. I don't know what to do with that exactly, and admittedly, I still have some really big "?" hanging over my future-- our future... but it is just a strange, strange thing when you finally see something for the first time.

This is one of those things...

This is EXACTLY what I see when I have one of these little vision "episodes"... the first one was almost three years ago now. I have searched and searched on what this could have been all this time, and have always mentioned it to every doctor I have ever been to... no one EVER even MENTIONED this as a possibility. It is apparently called a Ophthalmic, or Eye, Migraine. Apparently, you can have them without headaches and it is caused by a a temporary spasm in the blood vessels behind your eye (this is apparently also called "vasospasm", which is like the spasms or cramps that you have in your leg muscles, etc.).

Those pictures up there are from this site (click). You can also read more here.

Now, how does this couple with my other "complications"? I don't know. But, at least I know *what* it is now. Why are doctor's paid so much, again? I'm sorry for the snarky comment, but hello? Shouldn't someone have known what this was somewhere along the way? If not all the physicians I have seen in the last 3 years, then why not the eye doctor I went to at the very beginning of these? Anyway, all of this to say, educate yourself on your own health-- be in charge of your own medical care, and don't just take for granted that there is no answer. There is.

OK-- I'll work on those pictures now. :)



Anonymous said...

okay...i commented on your "letting go" blog several days ago and returned to it today for some more...inspiration? (not sure that's the word i'm looking for, but it will do.) well, i clicked on something and ended up with more blog options. as i perused, i noticed health, and as i'm dealing with my own health issues right now, i was intrigued.
I have to tell you that the pictures you posted to demonstrate an opthalmic(?) migraine were spot on. I have only experienced this twice in my life...once years ago, and then once again, just this year. They lasted for about 45 mins, as they slowly dissipated.I never searched for an explanation, just let it go since it didn't happen again.
As I mentioned, I'm dealing with my own (mysterious) health issues, which is what has brought me to the breaking point of "letting go". Though i've always known my weakness in this area, wanting to find the answers to my health issues so that i can keep it under my control has made it so crystal clear to me that i need to relinquish that "need" and focus on more important things...things of God. He knows what I need. It is more important and worthwhile to seek His kingdom...not pour all my energy into finding the answers to my physical problems to the extent that i don't have the energy to be spiritually minded, not to mention an attentive wife and mother.
All that to say, that i will spend more time perusing your blog...the similarities i have found will help me remember to pray for you specifically.

R. Lynn Baker said...

Hi-- and thanks for coming over here, too... I post here most often... with life, one place makes it easier. Thank you so very much for praying for me-- I will for you as well. Please keep me updated on things with you. I think God puts kindred spirits in our paths for a reason. That is so strange to find someone else who has had the eye migraines! I don't have them nearly as often now, but it is scary-- and hard to explain to someone who hasn't had them, so I was very glad to find that article with those pictures.

Please do keep me updated-- and feel free to post anytime!

Blessings to you,