Tuesday, July 22, 2008

watching, waiting, praying (7/22/08)

This *feels* like a pivotal week. A lot of decisions will be made this week, and I am trying to stay centered on who is in control. I am reading a book by Andy Stanley, Choosing to Cheat: Who Wins when Family and Work Collide. It is not what it sounds like-- it is about making choices that don't cheat your family. It's really speaking to me and I felt like it was something God led me to read-- straight to where it sat on the shelf at the library. I'll post more about it when I am finished reading it, but if you want to check it out, follow that link up there on the book title.

Thursday is Tyler's birthday, and tomorrow is my nephew's, so we have spent the first part of the day today picking up things for the party, and a gift for my nephew-- and now, I need to go clean up the kitchen-- ugh... I am sure I will have pics to post later this week. I need to get back to my camera somehow... somehow.... I need to get back to a lot of things.

Anyway, continued prayers especially for Andrew on Thursday (the day of his meeting)...

Peace and simplicity to everyone reading,