Tuesday, February 27, 2007


{insert scream here!!!!}

I called the dr.'s office yet again just a few minutes ago. It's now to the point where they will not even look in the stack of files for my results. Today, I got, "The NP won't be in until this evening anyway, so I will give her your message." To which, I interrupted the trying-to-hang-up-the-phone-on-me-pause to let them know that it is urgent that the NP call me tonight. I realize I am not the only patient seen in that office, but it has been 1 month and 10 days since that culture was done (not to mention I was promised the results by the lab on the 22nd!!!!). I want the results and I want them NOW. I can't do anything regarding the neuropathy until I have them and my follow up with the specialist is Monday... she wants to do a series of steroid shots... cannot do that to candida-- not to mention the fact that we need to get to the bottom of what is going on. Neuropathy doesn't just happen... there's a reason and if they cannot help me, I need to go to someone who can.

Sorry... rant over-- I'm just beyond frustrated! I'll try really hard to think some happy thoughts and come back in a bit with something nice to say. Breathing in and out...