Friday, March 16, 2007

A few things I hate to admit I like...

In the need of a fun post...

Here are a few things I hate to admit I like... feel free to play along. :)

Barry Manilow (and hey, in honor of Dancing with the Stars starting up, I changed my clip :) )-- in particular this song-- always makes me think of being a kid. One of my sorority sisters in college also did a great rendition of the Copa. :)

My brown crocs (actually Komodos from Shoe Carnival)... they're just so ugly-- but comfort wins!

The movie Xanadu... I always wanted to skate like Olivia Newton John.

I still watch one soap (or really just listen to it while I'm busy doing something else)... All My Children

If I could find it on TV, I'd still watch...
The Greatest American Hero
{I still have the theme song on 45!}

Still love...
Grease 2

I still think this is the best scene from any movie ever (minus the subtitles of course--lol)

I don't *mind* bluegrass music all that much... okay-- this might not be real bluegrass, but the Soggy Bottom Brothers are cool.

And... *IF* I could actually still eat sugar... I'd probably still even like these awful things, too...