Friday, May 25, 2007

how cool is this? (and other ramblings)

look here

OK, that is enough to get me scrapping again! WOW!! That is right up my alley... going to have to get one... I don't think I have said that in a long time--lol. Their other products are cool, too. I've been thinking for months about decorating with photographs. Gotta get clickin' the camera...

Oh, never did post these...

This was the scrapbooking I did a few weeks ago for my friend, Shirley's online shower. It was a surprise, so I was keeping quiet... It was the first time I had scrapped in a long while... and it was fun to make something for someone else. I do miss that. The album was 6x6 and turned out beautifully! You can see the whole thing here.

I'm trying these days to motivate wellness. I've got these appointments coming up-- and the root canal (not looking forward to that)-- but I'm trying to think positively. Not a bad thing to do anyway, but I'm really hoping there is finally a light at the end of this very long tunnel I've been crawling through.

So, in light of all that, I'm trying to wake up my creative side again. Listening to more music-- I know it seems like I listen to a lot, but I never seem to listen to an entire CD. I find good music and then there's no time to listen. It's too loud in the car to have a conversation with the kids, and I want to talk to them-- I'm not "alone" in the car a lot; can you tell? lol MY CD player on my computer is longer with us, so I moved one to the desk today. At least I can listen while I'm on here. :)

Music has healing properties-- really does-- as does scrapbooking. Don't do either enough these days. Why doesn't someone open a creative therapy center? What a fantastic place that would be!!! Whoa-- just did a quick search! Check this out: OK, that might be a good masters degree for me to pursue-- how cool is that?!

OK-- housework calls... as does Ty.

Have a good holiday weekend,


Anonymous said...

Love that...Is it overlays?

R. Lynn Baker said...

It's a hard, clear plastic book and comes with tabbed pages and rings to hold it together. The description is here: Isn't it cool?
