Tuesday, May 29, 2007


You ever get that way? I guess that is where I am... nothing that I can put into words or want to, or even need to... just thoughtful. It's nerves/anticipation/anxiety/whatever I guess.

Thomas' last day of school is tomorrow-- they have an awards ceremony and then I'll probably sign him out early. I'm looking forward to the summer. You remember "the summer of George" (Seinfeld--lol)-- well, I am desperately hoping to make this the summer of "well". The next couple of weeks will begin the process and I am so ready to have them over with! Positive thinking says, "in two weeks, all the anxiety will all be over." I hate the fear of the unknown more than anything, but I have to admit, God has been teaching me some amazing things through the unknown... gotta hold onto that even when things are better-- that is the trick!

Thomas also turns 8 next week-- just unreal to me! It is so hard to believe-- to accept-- he is such a young man already-- kills me-- really kills me!

For something funny... I found this little commercial below-- made me laugh out loud, so just thought I'd share it. :)
