Wednesday, May 23, 2007

my days are all mixed up...

Election day threw me. It's Wednesday; right? Oiy-- and I know it's going to get worse when school's out (which I think is down to 4 days and counting, minus the holiday). I need a big calendar above my desk.

So, we went to a restaurant for dinner last night that used to be a train depot... very cool actually. It was fun to do something out of the ordinary and even though we were a day late on our anniversary dinner, it felt like an actual date. We even had good conversation--lol. We need to do that more... we really do.

It is HOT here today. We need rain badly. Gotta say that my sinuses don't need the mold, but the pollen is bad with the dryness. And, my teeth hurt-- they've got me a little nervous. If I knew for sure that it was just allergies, I'd not give it a thought, but I haven't had a good track record here lately ya know...

I've already got lots of good stuff for music finds tomorrow, so check back. :)

OH yeah-- one more thing... this Dt. Mt. Dew fanatic has successfully quit her vice--lol. No caffeine going down my throat these days-- and boy, am I sleepy!!! BUT, I know it's a good / healthy thing. I found some Dt. Ocean Spray (with splenda)-- REALLY good cold, and I'm doing Dt. Rite (try the tangerine if you haven't already-- it's good for something different). If this Dt. Mt. Dew addict can do it, you can, too. :)

Happy Wednesday!