Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Trading in the funk for Funkytown...

Before Shrek 2, there was this...

Ah-- that brings back memories... {am I really that old?!?!} Don't know why I'm being so nostalgic... maybe it's an escape from the funk I've been in... or it could be a strange thing that happened at the end of last week...

I have been going to a local MOPS group and I am a discussion leader for one of the groups. I realized last week that I went to elementary school with someone who is in my group-- and this was not in the town we both now live in... funny! We both remembered a lot of the same people and it was fun to think back on simpler things... it's cool how life can take us far, but God keeps us close to where we begin... odd but kind of comforting somehow at the same time.

Being able to remember so much made me wonder how my own kids will look back on things. Thomas is about the age now that I was back then-- when I knew this girl... I hope his memories are good ones-- I liked looking back on those memories. Looking back also makes us think forward... sometimes, it's hard to see where God has us aimed, but it is evident that He has us headed somewhere when we look back at the places from where we came.