Wednesday, February 27, 2008

went back

to the dr.-- not the immunologist, but just my GP... have just been hurting way too much. He gave me something for the hurt-- it's helping, but not quite fast enough and it's making me sleepy. He ran a couple of blood tests to check my ANA, etc. since I haven't had that done since summer. He thinks I could have been trying to "fight off" a viral thing (with my lack of T cells, my body gets confused about where the "bad guy" is) OR it could be THE thing that has been elusive rearing it's ugly head... maybe the lupus-type thing we haven't been able to identify... either way, I am tired of hurting.

We have yet another snow day today-- yikes-- I think we're on number 8! And, for some reason these things have been hitting on Tuesdays... We didn't get much at all at home though. I've got to get into school somehow today to get stuff ready for my morning sub tomorrow... going to observe another classroom.

Andrew flies to NY today... prayers are with him, if you read this, please do the same. :) Safety, confidence, clarity and direction.

We're wrapping up on Thomas' pinewood derby today-- will post pics soon-- it's top secret for now. ;) It's awesome this year! :) Hoping for a creativity trophy this time around.