Saturday, January 5, 2008

What if you could do anything...

you wanted? This thought has been with me this week... it's been a strange week for me going back to work after the holidays... I've been thinking about what I would do if I could do anything I wanted. Andrew's been hard at work on some proposals for work and the thought of those possible changes has caused my wheels to spin I suppose. Then, yesterday, was an, um eventful day, is what I will call it, at work and I've just been pondering my future a bit I guess.

I could go back for my Master's... but what would I want to pursue? Library Science? Writing? I could really get serious about learning photography. I could write. I could design as a freelancer. Teaching is what my degree is in, but do I see myself always doing that? I guess I'm struggling with that. I felt God leading me to do what it is I am currently doing, but was that just for a season? Not sure... as the boys get older and Tyler begins school and homework, can I see myself juggling all that? So I am just pondering... what would the dream / ideal thing be?

Then, I've still got ucky health crud going on... too gross to discuss, but I've got to deal with it somehow.

Just wondering how it all fits. But, if I have learned anything over the last year, it is that *I* am *NOT* the one in control of my "destiny". How limited a life it would be if I were, and I know that I should thank God for that, really. Just got my wheels spinning and curious about the next season.